
Fonološki razvoj in govorna razumljivost predšolskih otrok
ID Kolar, Vlatka (Author), ID Ozbič, Martina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4828/ This link opens in a new window

Otroci razvijajo svoj fonološki sistem od rojstva naprej. V predšolskem obdobju opažamo tudi odstopanja. Naš cilj je raziskati pojavnost govornih oz. fonoloških procesov, ki se pojavljajo pri predšolskih otrocih z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami. Zanima nas, kateri fonološki procesi se pojavljajo pri otrocih z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami ter kako vplivajo na razumljivost govora. Želimo si pridobiti ocene razumljivosti govora s strani staršev in vzgojiteljic, da bi jih na koncu primerjali z ocenami, ki sem jih pridobila s pomočjo fonološkega testa. Zanima nas tudi, ali so otroci bolj razumljivi znanim osebam kot manj znanim ter kateri so ti fonološki procesi, ki v največji meri zmanjšujejo razumljivost govora. Otroci, ki sodelujejo v raziskavi, so stari od 4 do 7 let in so usmerjeni v predšolski program z dodatno strokovno pomočjo. V sklopu mednarodnega projekta »Cross-linguistic study of protracted phonological (speech) development in children« sem zato posnela pet otrok iz Osrednje Slovenije, in sicer eno deklico in štiri fantke, pri katerih sem naredila transkripcijo govora. Glede na težavnost govorno-jezikovnih motenj so v raziskavi sodelovali: en otrok z več motnjami (zmerna govorno-jezikovna motnja), dva otroka z zmerno govorno-jezikovno motnjo, en otrok z lažjo govorno-jezikovno motnjo ter ena deklica s težko izgubo sluha. Dva otroka sta bila dvojezična, kar je tudi vplivalo na razumljivost govora, druga dva pa sta imela pogosto vnetje ušes. Da bi ugotovili, kakšna je dejanska razumljivost govora, smo informacije pridobili pri starših in vzgojiteljicah teh otrok s pomočjo vprašalnika ICS – Lestvica razumljivosti govora. Rezultate, ki smo jih pridobili s transkripcijo govora, smo nato primerjali z rezultati vzgojiteljic in staršev o razumljivosti ter tako dobili podatek o razumljivosti govora. Analizirali smo tudi, katere fonološke motnje najbolj vplivajo na razumljivost govora. Rezultati so pokazali, da se je največ različnih oblik fonoloških procesov pojavilo pri otroku z lažjo govorno-jezikovno motnjo ter pri dveh otrocih z zmerno govorno-jezikovno motnjo, ne pa pri otroku z več motnjami in otroku s težko izgubo sluha, kjer smo pričakovali več fonoloških procesov zaradi težje diagnoze. Deklica s težko izgubo sluha uporablja tudi slušni aparat. Prav tako se je pojavilo največ fonoloških procesov sistema, in sicer: drsenje, alveopalatalizacija zlitnikov, alveopalatalizacija pripornikov, sprememba samoglasnika, anteriorizacija pripornikov, sledijo procesi v strukturi: izpuščanje soglasnikov v soglasniški strukturi ter epenteza. Odgovori vzgojiteljic in staršev na vprašalniku ICS o razumljivosti so bili med seboj podobni, kar pomeni, da so vzgojiteljice in starši podali približno enake ocene pri ocenjevanju razumljivosti govora. Lahko zaključimo, da fonološki procesi in drugi razvojni dejavniki zmanjšujejo razumljivost govora. Sklepamo torej, da če se v govoru otroka pojavlja več fonoloških procesov, bo razumljivost govora slabša.

Keywords:zapoznel fonološki razvoj
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96672 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11764809 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Phonological development and speech intelligibility in preschool children
Children start to develop phonological system from their birth. In preeschool period there are possible deviations in phonological system. In my master’s thesis, I will research the frequency of phonological processes which occur in preschool children with speech and language disorders. Our goal of this thesis was to find out what phonological processes occur in children with speech and language disorders and how they impact speech intelligibility. This thesis will include reviews from parents and teachers in kindergarten so that we could compare them with my results I got from phonological tests. I am also interested in whether there is a difference in comprehension of a child depending on how good person knows the child and what those phonological processes are that minimize speech intelligibility. Children participating in the study were aged between 4.6 and 7 years of age and they are included in preschool programme with additional expert assistance. Within the framework of the international project “Cross-linguistic study of protracted phonological (speech) and development of children”, I interviewed five children in central Slovenia: a girl and four boys and made a speech transcript of each interview. Given the difficulty of speech and language disorders, children participated in the study are a child with multiple disabilities (moderate speech-language disorder), two children with moderate speech and language disorder, a child with mild speech and language disorder and a girl suffering from hard loss of hearing.Two children are bilingual: that also affects the intelligibility of speech and the other two have had frequent ear infections. In order to determine what the actual speech intelligibility is, we acquired information fromthe parents and the teachers of these children. We handed them the questionnaire ICS – Intelligibility in Context Scale. The results obtained in a transcript of speech were compared with the results of the teachers and the parents, and that is how we acquired information on speech intelligibility. I also analyzed which phonological disorders have the greatest impact on speech intelligibility. The results show that more phonological processes occur in children with mild speech and language disorder and in two children with moderate speech and language disorder, but not in children with multiple disabilities and children with a hearing loss where we would expect more phonological processes due to the difficult diagnosis. More phonological processes occur in the processes of the system, namely: sliding, palatalization of affricates, palatalization of fricatives, vocal changes, anteriorization of fricatives and then some processes in structure: omission of consonants in consonant structure and epenthesis. The results of the teachers and parents were generally similar. We can conclude that phonological processes and other development factors reduce intelligibility. If there are a lot of phonological processes in speech, the speech intelligibility is lower.

Keywords:delayed phonological development

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