
Projekt v tehničnem kotičku:od gozda do pručke
ID Jaketič, Tara (Author), ID Avsec, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šuligoj, Veronika (Comentor)

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V diplomskem delu smo želeli vzgojiteljem, 5–6-letnim otrokom in njihovim staršem predstaviti les in njegovo obdelavo. Z načrtovanjem tehničnega kotička v igralnici in aktivnosti v njem lahko otrokom ponudimo zanimivo in poučno okolje za učenje. V našem projektu smo raziskovali pot lesa od gozda do lesenega izdelka; na pobudo otrok smo na koncu izdelali pručko. Dokazati smo želeli, da so tehnične dejavnosti ob pravih pogojih zelo privlačne za otroke ne glede na spol. S pomočjo ankete, v kateri je sodelovalo 26 vzgojiteljic iz vrtca Kekec Grosuplje, smo ugotovili, da imajo vzgojiteljice zadržke do izvajanja tehničnih dejavnosti, kljub temu da je anketa pokazala, da otroci zelo radi in redno posegajo po lesenih igračah. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo predstavili les in njegovo obdelavo na otrokom primeren način. Predstavili smo tudi izkustveno učenje, ki prevladuje v aktivnostih izvedenega projekta. V empiričnem delu smo opisali izvedeni projekt po posameznih dnevih, kjer smo najprej raziskali gozd in kako les pridobimo iz gozda, kasneje pa smo uvedli tehnični kotiček v igralnici in v njem tudi izvajali aktivnosti. Pri raziskovanju smo sodelovali z 21 otroki, starimi 5–6 let, iz grosupeljskega vrtca Kekec. Pri dejavnostih smo otrokom dopustili samostojno raziskovanje. Otroci so sami podajali zamisli, ki smo jih zapisali in uporabili pri nadaljnjem načrtovanju, nato pa smo izdelali različne izdelke. Pri tem smo veliko sodelovali s starši, ki so nam posredovali material in orodje. V prihodnje bomo na skupnih srečanjih vzgojiteljic še naprej predstavljali dejavnosti tehničnega kotička, s katerimi otroci razvijajo ustvarjalno-tehnične sposobnosti, da se bo tehnični kotiček ustalil v vrtčevskih igralnicah.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96622 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11757385 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The project in technology area: from woods to a footstool
Through thesis material we wanted to introduce wood and the way wood is processed to 5–6 years old children, their parents and their teachers. By planning a wood workshop inside of playground and activities in it, we can offer children an interesting and educational environment. In our project we researched the steps necessary for a piece of lumber to become a wood product. At the end of the project we made a stool. We wanted to prove that with the right conditions children can be attracted to technical activities regardless of their gender. By doing a pool with 26 teachers of kindergarten "Kekec" Grosuplje we found out that in general teachers have second thoughts about organizing wood workshop activities, even so, the poll also proved that children love to play with wooden toys on a regular basis. In the theory part of my thesis I presented wood and it's processing in the same way I would present it to children. I also presented learning by experience, which predominates in the activities of the project. In the empirical part I described the project day by day, we first explored the forest and the activities necessary to extract wood from it and later we implemented the wood workshop in the playground and held activities in it. In the research, 21 children aged between 5 and 6 years from Grosuplje kindergarten "Kekec" participated. In our activities we gave the children the freedom to research independently, they gave their ideas which we wrote down and used at further planning and at the end we created various products. There was plenty of participation also from the parents side, which would provide materials and tools. In future meetings of teachers I will continue to present the activities of our wood workshop, which train children in their creative-technical abilities, so that one day wood workshop could be present in all kindergartens.


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