The present masters thesis describes the functionality and usefulness of the system in regards to the information needs of students. The thesis is focused only on the information system VIS at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. Two research methods have been used, an expert study and an online survey. In the expert study, a part of the VIS accessible to and intended only for undergraduate and postgraduate students has been addressed. In the online survey, the aim was to determine whether students have problems with using the system VIS and if they deem it suitable for their needs. Results of the online survey showe that 91% of students do not experiance major problems with the system, thus showing that the system is suitable for them. The expert study results show that the system does not meet all the criteria for a good user interface. The findings of the present thesis may help designers mentain and improve the system; most improvements can be made when it comes to its appearance. The results only point towards the basic aspects of the system, so it would be sensible to carry out a broader survey to obtein more detailed results. It would also be beneficial to investigate the individual parts of the system or to compare several different systems in Slovenia with one other.