
Spolna zloraba v otroštvu in doživljanje procesa razreševanja : magistrsko delo
ID Potočan, Barbara (Author), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/4ccc972b-6ef4-495a-8490-554051248144

Spolne zlorabe so vsa dejanja, povezana s spolnostjo, ki jih oseba čuti kot prisilo. Gre za nezakonita dejanja, ki kršijo etične, moralne in socialne norme. Osrednja tematika magistrskega dela je doživljanje t. i. odnosa odrešenja. Le-ta je namreč najbolj pripomogel k razreševanju posameznikove travme, ki jo je doživel v obliki spolne zlorabe v otroštvu. Z vprašalniki, opravljenimi po fenomenološki psihološki metodi dela, je avtorica pridobila vpogled v doživljanje procesa predelovanja travme pri žrtvah spolnih zlorab. Rezultati so bili interpretirani s perspektive avtorice, ki jih je povezala z dojemanjem drugih avtorjev in znanstvenimi spoznanji. Odrešenjski odnosi, po katerih žrtve spolnih zlorab hrepenijo, so najbolj osnovni, pa vendar zelo celoviti. Največja želja zlorabljenega posameznika je, da bi ga slišali, mu verjeli, razumeli, kakšno moč ima zloraba nanj, in mu kasneje ob predelovanju negativnih občutij stali ob strani. Za predelovanje travme je pogosto potrebna strokovna pomoč, vendar lahko vsak odnos posameznika zunaj terapije izredno pripomore k razreševanju negativnih občutkov in izboljšanju njegovega vsakodnevnega delovanja.

Keywords:Spolna zloraba, travma, doživljanje zlorabe, otroštvo, posledice, proces razreševanja.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Potočan]
Number of pages:V, 95, II f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96520 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10675459 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Sexual abuse in childhood and the experience of resolving process
Sexual abuse are all acts related to sexuality that people feel as coercion. Sexual abuse violates ethical, moral and social norms and is against the law. The main theme of the author's work is the experience of the relationship – the relationship of salvation – which helped the individual to eliminate and resolve the trauma that the victim had experienced in the form of sexual abuse in childhood. With questionnaires, based on phenomenological psychological method of work, the author obtained an insight into the experience of the process resolving trauma of sexual abuse. The results are interpreted from the perspective of the author, which links them with the perception of other authors and scientific knowledge. The relationships of salvation are so basic, yet very comprehensive. The greatest desires of the abused individuals are to hear them, to believe them and to understand the power of the abuse, and later, having a support through the resolving process. Expert assistance is often needed for trauma treatment, but any relationship that individuals have outside the therapy can greatly contribute to resolving negative feelings and improving their everyday.

Keywords:Sexual abuse, trauma, experiencing abuse, childhood, consequences, the resolving process.

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