An important element of every company is financing its activities in research and development. In various media, it has often been pointed out, that the state allocates too little funds for this activity.
In this area, sufficient measures have not been taken in order to connect public research organizations and the economy. In addition to state budgetary resources, funds provided by the European budget are available as well, so that activities of R & D and integration, can be carried out. In the master's thesis, I presented the measures called Tenders for the Development of Centers of Excellence and the Call for Tender for the Development of Competence Centers in the period 2010-2013, co-financed by the Structural Funds. Both were intended to integrate the joint participation of researchers from public research organizations and the economy.
In order to achieve the set goals, I selected several types of methods. The main were statistical analysis and the interview. They served as the basis for obtaining solid opinions and views on the implemented measures. Both methods provided different proposals that could be taken into account in the preparation of future actions in the field of R & D.
In the 2007-2013 period, Slovenia increased the share of gross domestic expenditure on research and development, followed by a slight decline, which again moves us away from the set goal, i.e. reaching 3 % of GDP in R & D investment.
In the interviews, the respondents were unanimous, that both measures were taken very positive and they provided some suggestions for their improvement, too. The results of the research can contribute to the preparation of future measures for the integration of all stakeholders active in R & D.