Using an indirect method of transformation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens, we introduced the marker genes gusA, ZsGreen and DsRed-Express into hop and tobacco. An attempt of adventive regeneration of non-transformed hop of sixteen genotypes showed the highest effectivness of regeneration in the cultivar 'Tettnanger', 70%. Regeneration efficiency in other genotypes was 0.8-10% while some genotypes were not regenerating. In the case of internode cuttings after transformation regeneration of all genotypes was low (<10%). The best regeneration was retained by the 'Tettnanger' variety, which regenerated after transformation with each of the marker genes used. Transformed tobacco and hop regenerates were phenotypically analysed by expression of transgenic gene and the insertion of marker gene into the genome determined by PCR and agarose electrophoresis. Transgene gusA was expressed in 60% of tested tobacco regenerants and 8.1% of hop regenerants, ZsGreen in 74% of tested tobacco regenerants and 4.3% of hop regenerants, and DsRed-Express in 38% of tested tobacco regenerants and 6.1% of hop regenerants. From each group we randomly selected 10 regenerants and tested them with PCR for the presence of significantly multiplied fragments. Using the gusA transgene, significant fragments were multiplied by nine tobacco regenerates and four hops, ZsGreen in eight tobacco and seven hops, and using DsRed-Express nine tobacco and six hop regenerates.