
Hidrogeološke razmere na gospodarskem območju Železarne Ravne
ID Popovič, Vesna (Author), ID Brenčič, Mihael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Gospodarsko območje Železarne Ravne se nahaja na vzhodnem delu Mežiške doline na severnem delu Slovenije. Danes na območju obratuje več družb, ki skupaj tvorijo družbo SIJ. d.o.o. Nekatere dejavnosti, ki potekajo na tem območju predstavljajo potencialno tveganje za onesnaženje okolja in s tem tudi podzemne vode. Z namenom, da bi ugotovila, kakšna je porazdelitev podzemne vode, sem v diplomski nalogi obdelala hidrogeološke razmere na gospodarskem območju Železarne Ravne. Vodonosnik je sestavljen iz kvartarnih nanosov reke Meže, ki ga sestavljajo predvsem prod in melj. Njegova debelina znaša med 5,50 m in 12,80 m in je zelo dobro prepusten. S pomočjo črpalnih poizkusov in nalivalnega poizkusa sem izračunala koeficient prepustnosti vodonosnika, ki v povprečju znaša 9,96x10-3 m/s. Prav tako sem izmerila elektroprevodnost podzemne vode in ugotovila, da se povečuje dolvodno od zahoda obravnavanega območja proti vzhodu. Na podlagi meritev elektroprevodnosti reke Meže menim, da reka na tem območju nima velikega vpliva na podzemno vodo.

Keywords:prepustnost, črpalni poizkus, nalivalni poizkus, medzrnski vodonosnik, monitoring podzemne vode, Železarna Ravne, reka Meža
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96419 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1357406 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Hydrogeological conditions in the area of the industrial zone of Ravne ironworks
The industrial area of Ravne Ironworks is located in eastern part of Mežica valley. Today there are several companies operating in this industrial area, which together form corporation SIJ d.o.o. Some of the activities taking place in this area pose a potential risk for pollution of the environment and also groundwater. In order to determine the distribution of groundwater I worked in my dissertation on hydrogeological conditions in the economic area of Železarna Ravne. The aquifer consists of quartz deposits of the Meža River, which consists mainly of gravel and melt. Its thickness is between 5,50 m and 12,80 m and is well-permeable. With pumping tests and percolation test I calculated the coefficient of permeability of aquifer, which on average amounts 9,96x10-3 m/s. I also measured the electrical conductivity of groundwater and I discovered that it rises downstream from west of this area to east. On the basis of the measurements of the electroconductivity of the Meža River, I believe that the river in this area has no significant influence on the groundwater.

Keywords:permeability, pumping test, percolation test, inter-mountain aquifer, groundwater monitoring, Ravne ironworks, Meža River

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