
Zgodovina kopališča Ilirija : magistrsko delo
ID Zorko, Anja (Author), ID Pavlin, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 2ADB43E400914F7BA530C7C8E1824BC9
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/95dedbad-7eb8-4c14-adbb-d609f55b25a4

Kopališče Ilirija predstavlja začetek razvoja tekmovalnega plavanja pri nas. Na začetku je predstavljal ponos ne samo Ljubljani, ampak celotni Sloveniji in Jugoslaviji. V zadnjih letih pa je kopališče dodobra načel čas. Po dveh prenovah še zmeraj deluje v skoraj isti obliki, kot sta si jo zamislila Bloudek in Zupan. O kopališču je v sklopu zgodovine plavanja in biografije o Bloudku pisal že Stepišnik (1968 in 1971), navajata ga tudi Pavlin (1997) in Kapus s sodelavci (2011), prav tako sta ga omenila Klinec in Zorko v svojih diplomskih delih (1991, 2015). Magistrsko delo se bo osredotočilo na delovanje kopališča in vse prenove, ki jih je doživelo. Na zgodbe ljudi, katerih se je kopališče dotaknilo in uspehe plavalnega kluba, ki ne bi obstajal danes, če ne bi bilo kopališča, kar enako velja tudi v obratni smeri. Podatke smo zbirali v zgodovinskem arhivu Ljubljana, v zasebnih zbirkah in v častnikih. Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela. Veliko informacij smo pridobili z metodo komunikacije in lastnih izkušenj.

Keywords:kopališče Ilirija, Sportni klub Ilirija, Stanko Bloudek, prenova, zgodovina
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96408 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5228721 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2017
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Title:Ilirija swimming pool, Sport club Ilirjia, Stanko Bloudek, renovation, history
The Ilirija swimming complex represents the beginning of competitive swimming in Slovenia. In its early years, it was the pride of not only Ljubljana, but also Slovenia and Yugoslavia. While it has stood the test of time, its age is beginning to show. After two sets of renovations, it remains to function in almost the exact way as it was designed by Stanko Bloudek and Miroslav Zupan. The pool was described within the history of swimming and Bloudek's bibliography written by Stepišnik (1968 and 1971). It is also mentioned by Pavlin (1997) and Kapus et al (2011). In addition it was referred to by Klinec and Zorko in their undergraduate dissertations (1991, 2015). This master’s thesis will focus on the functioning of the complex and the renovations, it has undergone. Stories of the people it has effected in its history. The many successes of the swimming club are not to be ignored since they would not exist if it weren’t for the pool and vice versa. The information was gathered in the historical archive of Ljubljana, private collections and publications. The method used is a descriptive one. A large amount of the information was gathered through communication and own experience.

Keywords:The history of the Ilirija swimming pool

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