
ID POGAČAR, BARBARA (Author), ID Maček Lebar, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 3D359CE56F7733E01C98E779A1C11BDF
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/e372c722-1bea-442a-ba3e-4e95c5c27692

Električna energija je koristen vir, vendar je lahko tudi nevarna. Do nevarnosti lahko pride zaradi nepravilne uporabe električnih naprav ali zaradi nepravilnega delovanja električne naprave same. Znak CE je obvezen znak za vse proizvode, ki vstopijo na evropski trg. Električne naprave, ki imajo znak CE, izpolnjujejo le osnovne varnostne zahteve Nizkonapetostne direktive. Certificirane električne naprave, ki nosijo znak ENEC, pa zagotavljajo najvišjo stopnjo varnosti. Priglašeni organi, ki lahko podeljujejo znak ENEC, so v sistemu organizacije ETICS. To je sistem evropskega testiranja, pregledovanja in certificiranja, ki omogoča, da naprave s tem znakom lažje vstopijo na trg. Za pridobitev znaka ENEC mora pristojni organ preizkusiti električne naprave in ugotoviti skladnost z evropskimi varnostnimi standardi. Pristojni organ oceni proizvajalčev sistem kakovosti in proizvodnjo. Potrebna je predlicenčna kontrola ter izvajanje rednega nadzora proizvodnje ter naprave s kontrolnim preizkusom. Kontrolni preizkus se izvede na naključno izbranih vzorcih. Sestoji iz več pregledov in testov, ki so ključni pri ugotavljanju, ali gre za enako napravo, za katero je bila izdana licenca ENEC. Po standardu EN 60950-1 testni inženir pregleda splošno konstrukcijo naprave, vse sestavne dele naprave oziroma komponente, varnost povezav v napravi in izvede test ozemljitvene upornosti, test toka dotika ter test dielektrične trdnosti. Kontrolni preizkus sem izvedla na namiznem stikalnem napajalniku. Napajalnik je po konstrukciji enak predhodno testiranemu napajalniku. Povezave so dobro izvedene, vse komponente napajalnika so enakih ali boljših nazivnih vrednosti. Vrednosti toka dotika napajalnika so v skladu s standardom. Napajalnik je prestal test dielektrične trdnosti.

Keywords:varnost, certificiranje, licenca/znak ENEC, inšpekcija, kontrolni preizkus, komponente, ozemljitvena upornost, tok dotika, dielektrična trdnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96376 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2017
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Title:Follow-up according to standard EN 60950-1
Electricity is a valuable resource but it can also be dangerous. Danger can be caused by improper use of electrical devices or by malfunctioning of the electrical device. The CE marking is required for every product that enters the European market. Electrical devices with CE mark conform only to the basic safety requirements of the Low Voltage Directive. However, certified electrical devices with ENEC mark guarantee the highest level of safety. Notified bodies that are eligible to issue the ENEC mark are included into the system of the ETICS organization. This European system of testing, inspecting and certifying facilitates access to market for ENEC marked devices. To acquire the ENEC mark the electrical device has to be tested by a competent certification body that determines conformity with European safety standards. The certification body assesses manufacturer’s production and quality system. The production and the device itself are subject to a pre-licensing inspection and regular factory and product surveillance – follow-up. Follow-up testing is carried out on randomly selected samples. It is comprised of a series of inspections and tests that are necessary in order to confirm that the tested device is equal to the ENEC certified device. According to standard EN 60950-1 a test engineer inspects the construction of the device, all components of the device, and proves the safety of connections in the device. The test engineer also performs the earth continuity test, the touch current test, and the dielectric strength test. I carried out the follow-up test on a desktop switching power supply. According to the design, the power supply is equal to the previously tested power supply. The connections are well implemented and all power supply's components are with the same or better rated values. Touch current values of the power supply are in accordance with the standard. The power supply has passed the dielectric strength test.

Keywords:safety, certification, ENEC licence/mark, inspection, follow-up, components, earth continuity test, touch current test, dielectric strength test

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