
ID Čirić, Dejan (Author), ID Pevcin, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 9B6942BEC97582C94384BC448C8E578A
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/cc84a87c-f32b-4804-bebf-0dbb5aeb9597

Nevladne organizacije so pomembne za obstoj demokracije v državi in pokrivajo področja, ki so pomembna za celotno družbo. Z vključevanjem v nevladne organizacije in ostale družbe lahko poleg razvoju družbe pripomoremo tudi k boljši družbeni blaginji, izboljšanju kakovosti življenja v državi in zagotovitvi socialne varnosti. V diplomskem delu predstavim značilnosti nevladnih organizacij, njihovo financiranje in ureditev, s primerjavo in analizo pa hočem ugotoviti, zakaj je stanje na različnih področjih delovanja nevladnih organizacij kritično in kaj lahko nevladne organizacije naredijo za skupnost. Za to tematiko diplomskega dela sem se odločil predvsem zato, ker menim, da so nevladne organizacije zelo pomembne za razvoj tako javnega kot tudi zasebnega sektorja. Menim, da se ljudje premalo zavedajo pomembnosti nevladnih organizacij, zato poskušam pri ljudeh ustvariti drugačen pogled, kot ga imajo zdaj. V delu sem uporabil deskriptivno metodo raziskovanja za pregled domače in tuje literature. Podatke o nevladnih organizacijah sem pridobil iz različnih virov, največ sem se opiral na podatke CNVOS-a in Ministrstva za finance. Ugotovil sem, da število nevladnih organizacij v zadnjih letih raste, toda težava se pojavi pri financiranju, saj država ne izkazuje veliko podpore na tem področju v primerjavi z drugimi razvitimi državami. Država bi morala izkazati tudi večji interes pri spreminjanju zakonov in predpisov. Menim, da bi Slovenija morala za tovrstne organizacije nameniti večji delež BDP-ja, saj s tega vidika precej zaostaja za drugimi državami.

Keywords:nevladne organizacije, državna podpora, okoljske nevladne organizacije, financiranje in delovanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96366 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2017
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Secondary language

Non-governmental organizations are important for the existence of democracy in the country and cover areas that are important for society as a whole. By engaging in Non-governmental organizations and other societies, besides the development of society, we can also contribute to better social welfare, improving the quality of life in the country and ensuring social security. With my work, I want to present the characteristics of the non-governmental organisations and their funding arrangements, as well as comparison and analysis to find out why we have a critical stituation in the various areas of activity of non-governmental organisations and what can non-govenrmental organisations do for society. For this work I decided mainly because I think that non-governmental organisations are very important for the development of both the public and private sector. I think that people are not fully aware of the importance of non-governmental organisations, so with my work I try to create a different perspective than they had until now. In my work I use the descriptive method of research for the rewiev of domestic and foreign literature. Data on non-governmental organisations I obtained from various sources, dominated by CNVOS and the Ministry of Finance. By studying my work, I found that the number of non-governmental organisations in recent years is growing, but the problem ariese in financing as the country does not show a lot fo supporting in this area compared with other developed countries. The state should also show more support in changing laws and regulations. I believe that Slovenia should be given a larger share of gross domestic product, because here we are actually pretty behind compared to other countries.

Keywords:non-governmental organisations, state support, environmental non-governmental organisations, financing and operation

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