
ID RAKUŠ, ŠPELA (Author), ID Benčina, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 1B62DC21CE954C46FBED366A0547D6BC
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/7b3df905-8760-44a6-875e-d6a2f3d1cb0d

Porast socialnega podjetništva v svetu je vse večji. Velik problem je pomanjkanje zakonodaje s tega področja. Države morajo zato razviti zakonodajo, ki bo pripomogla k rasti socialnega podjetništva. Pomembno vlogo pri razvoju socialnega podjetništva odigrata tudi podjetniški ekosistem in podjetniški odnos. Socialna podjetja bi se iz primerov dobrih praks splošnega podjetništva lahko marsikaj naučila in posledično to upoštevala pri svojem poslovanju. Cilj je bil raziskati zakonodajno ureditev socialnega podjetništva v Evropski uniji in narediti primerjalno analizo med državami, raziskati podjetniški ekosistem in podjetniški odnos splošnih podjetij ter s pomočjo korelacijske analize izpostaviti kazalnike, ki vplivajo na razvoj socialnega podjetništva. Rezultati analize vsebine literature o socialnem podjetništvu so pokazali, da na ravni Evropske unije ni enotne zakonske ureditve tega področja ali je le-ta zelo šibka. Ugotovila sem, da obstaja veliko možnosti za skupne evropske zakonodajne okvire, programe, subvencije itd. K samemu razvoju socialnega podjetništva prispevajo tudi podjetniški ekosistem in podjetniški odnosi. Izračun korelacije je pokazal šibko povezanost podjetniškega ekosistema in podjetniškega odnosa z razvojem socialnega podjetništva. Izkazalo se je, da so pri tem pomembni še drugi dejavniki podjetništva, in sicer dejavniki razvoja le-tega, kot so dobro podporno okolje za takšna podjetja, obstoj zakonodaje, motivacija in tehnologija. Analiziranje zakonske ureditve socialnega podjetništva ter izpostavitev indikatorjev, ki vplivajo na razvoj tega področja, bo v prihodnje doprineslo k boljšemu vpogledu dejanskega stanja razvoja socialnega podjetništva. Vzpostavljeno bo izhodišče za nadaljnje raziskave, ki bo usmerjeno v razvoj tega področja.

Keywords:socialno podjetništvo, socialne politike, politična strategija, Zakon o socialnem podjetništvu, podjetniški ekosistem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96342 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2017
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Social entrepreneurship on the world is growing. The lack of legislation is a major problem of this field in many countries. Therefore, countries need to develop legislation that will contribute to the growth of social entrepreneurship. An important part in the development of social entrepreneurship is also the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the entrepreneurial relationship. Social enterprises around the world could learn a lot from examples of good practices in general entrepreneurship and consequently consider this in their business. The aim of this master thesis, was to investigate the legal regulation of social entrepreneurship in the European Union, and to make comparative analysis between countries, to explore the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the entrepreneurial relationship of general enterprises and also to point out indicators that influence the development of social entrepreneurship through a correlation analysis. The results of the content analysis in the literature on social entrepreneurship have shown that there is currently no uniform regulation of this field at the European Union level. I have found out that there are many opportunities for common European legislative frameworks, programs, subsidies, etc. Entrepreneurial ecosystems and entrepreneurial relations also contribute to the development of social entrepreneurship. The correlation calculation showed the weak link between the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the entrepreneurial relationship with the development of social entrepreneurship. It turned out that other factors of entrepreneurship are also important, namely factors of its development, such as a good support environment for such companies, the existence of legislation, motivation and technology. In future, analyzing the legal regulation of social entrepreneurship and the exposure of indicators that influence the development of this field, will contribute to a better insight into the actual state of development of social entrepreneurship. There will be a starting point for further research aimed at developing this area.

Keywords:social entrepreneurship, social policy, political strategy, Social entrepreneurship law, entrepreneurial ecosystem

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