
Ogrevanje debele jeklene pločevine v triconski plinski komorni peči
ID Radić, Aljoša (Author), ID Kosec, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 3FBB3081F52D056686B8C1F857A03F51
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/fdbd5dbf-8bb3-4418-8bd6-3273d43d4150

V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen postopek toplotne obdelave nerjavne debele pločevine, ki je bila izvedena v obratu Predelava debele pločevine, podjetja SIJ Acroni d.o.o. Opisani so postopki raztopnega žarjenja in gašenja na linji za toplotno obdelavo »Bellman«, s posebnim poudarkom na 3 conski komorni peči, ki je sestavni del v linije. V eksperimentalnem delu, so bile v prvi fazi v 3 conski komorni peči na proizvodni liniji za toplotno obdelavo, neposredno v industrijskem okolju izvedene meritve temperatur ter določen temperaturni profil plošče in peči ter temperaturni profil ohlajanja plošče s temperature raztopnega žarjenja. V nadaljevanju eksperimentalnega dela, so bile na podlagi krivulj določena temperaturna odstopanja ter določeni časi ogrevanja. Tako pridobljeni podatki so se nato uporabili za izvedbo pogojev raztopnega žarjenja oziroma toplotne obdelave na nerjavnih plošč iz jekla 316L (W.r. 1.4404) iz proizvodnega programa. Skladno s tem, je sledila analiza mehanskih in metalografskih lastnosti na katerih smo analizirali uspešnost toplotne obdelave.

Keywords:nerjavna debela pločevina, raztopno žarjenje, gašenje, toplotna obdelava, 3 conska komorna peč, temperaturni profil
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96275 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1698399 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2017
RADIĆ, Aljoša, 2017, Ogrevanje debele jeklene pločevine v triconski plinski komorni peči [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Heating of heavy steel plates in three zone gas chamber furnace
Diploma thesis describes the process of heat treatment of stainless steel heavy plates, which was carried out at the steel factory SIJ Acroni d.o.o. The methods of solution annealing and quenching on the Bellman heat treatment line are described, with special emphasis on the three zone chamber furnace, which is located in the line. In the first phase of the experimental part, we performed temperature measurements in the three zone chamber furnace on the production line for heat treatment and determined the temperature profile of the plate and the furnace, and the temperature profile of cooling the plate from the temperature of the solution annealing. In second part of the experimental work, we measured temperature deviations and certain times of heating on the basis of the curves. The data thus obtained were then used to perform the conditions of the solution annealing or heat treatment on stainless steel 316L plates (w.r. 1.4404) from the production program. Accordingly, an analysis of the mechanical and metallographic properties was followed, in which the performance of the heat treatment was analyzed.

Keywords:stainless heavy plates, solution annealing, quenching, heat treatment, 3-zone chamber furnace, temperature analysis

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