As told by lots of experts, programming is the new literacy. That is why it is important to introduce children to programming in early ages.
The main topic of diploma is early programming learning. In theoretical part we consider the effects of early programming learning on children's mental structures and present the application Scratch Junior, which is intended for this purpose. ScratchJr is a freely accessible programming language designed to introduce younger generations into the world of programming. Users can create interactive projects with it and learn the concepts of programming in a fun way. The application is intended for children aged between 5 and 7 and is suitably adapted fort his purpose. Next chapter describes constructionism, a pedagogical theory developed by american mathematician, computer scientist and pedagogue Seymour Papert. Constructionism is based on idea of 'learning by making' which means that learning is most effective when part of an activity the learner experiences as constructing a meaningful product.
Following the constructionism theory, we helped students of the second grade of elementary school made their first steps into the world of programming. Half of the class studied programming with the ScratchJr application, while the other half with the help of physical command blocks. We were determining if students using the ScratchJr application and physical command blocks adopt learning objectives and which method is more suitable for the first steps in the programming world.
We have found that the constructive approach is very suitable for learning programming, since students build their knowledge in interaction with environment. According to constructionism, learning is most effective when a student constructs a meaningful product in the learning process. After the lesson learned, we found that all children have adopted the set learning goals, but also both od them have their advantages and disadvantages. In any case, both methods are suitable for early programming of programming.