
Knjiga in film Pastirci kot učni medij pri pouku spoznavanja okolja v 2. razredu : magistrsko delo
ID Jerman, Anita (Author), ID Kerec, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4756/ This link opens in a new window

Poučevanje predmeta spoznavanje okolja je učinkovitejše, če spoznavanje učne snovi poteka z aktivno udeležbo otrok. Pestre in raznolike vsebine prispevajo k večji motiviranosti in lažjemu pomnjenu učencev. Film je tisti, ki spodbuja učenčevo doživljanje in miselno aktivnost, zato je hkrati eden izmed pomembnih didaktičnih pripomočkov pri pouku spoznavanja okolja (Šimenc, 1994). Smiselna uopraba filma pri pouku je tudi zato, ker nas spremlja že od malih nog. Učencem lahko z njim prikažemo tudi oddaljene vsebine. Moč filma je tudi v tem, da poveča učenčevo dovzetnost do književnih del (Rugelj, 2006). Ker je imela književnost pomembno vlogo pri nastanku filmov ter imata literatura in film vzporedno vlogo, sem želela v raziskavi ugotoviti, kateri od njiju omogoča uspešnejše poučevanje in večje pomnjenje učne snovi. V raziskavi sta bili uporabljeni deskriptivna in kavzalno-eksperimentalna metoda. Prevladujoči kvalitativni pristop je bil kombiniran s kvantitativnim. Način vzorčenja je bil neslučajnostni. Podatke sem pridobila s preizkusom znanja, ki ga je pred izvedbo učne ure in po njej izpolnilo 38 učencev 2. razreda izbrane osnovne šole. Z rezultati raziskave sem želela ugotoviti učinkovitost izbranih učnih metod pri pouku spoznavanja okolja in spodbuditi učitelje k uporabi gibljivk pri pouku. V raziskavi je bilo ugotovljeno, da tako film kot knjiga kot učni medij pripomoreta k dosegi zastavljenih učnih ciljev. Nekoliko večji vpliv ima pri zapomnitvi film, saj omogoča ne le slušno, temveč tudi vizualno predstavitev podane vsebine. Pridobivanje znanj skozi več čutil namreč omogoča večje pomnjenje. Učenci so usvojili vidike življenja ljudi v preteklosti. Po učni uri so bili pri poimenovanju pastirja uspešnejši učenci, poučevani s pomočjo filma. Pravilen odgovor je namreč podalo 94,74 % vprašanih. V skupini, poučevani s pomočjo knjige, pa je podalo pravilen odgovor nekoliko manj učencev, in sicer 78,95 %. Obema skupinama je bilo težje poimenovati pestrno. Pred učno uro te ni nihče pravilno poimenoval, po njej pa v obeh skupinah 47,36 % učencev. Ob reševanju slikovnih gradiv je bila uspešnejša skupina, poučevana s pomočjo filma. Torej lahko sklepamo, da je razlog za uspeh dodatna vizualna podkrepitev. Malho je na fotografiji prepoznalo in poimenovalo 78,95 %, v skupini, poučevani s pomočjo knjige, pa le 47,37 % vprašanih. Pri poimenovanju listnika je podalo pravilno poimenovanje 73,68 % učencev, poučevanih s pomočjo filma, in 68,42 % učencev, poučevanih s pomočjo knjige. Fotografijo skobca je prepoznalo kar 94,74 % učencev, poučevanih s pomočjo filma, in le 47,37 % učencev, poučevanih s pomočjo knjige. Prehrana pastirjev je bila področje, na katerem sta bili skupini enako uspešni. Vsi učenci so ugotovili, da črn kruh sodi med prehrano pastirjev, 94,47 % učencev obeh skupin je prehrani dodelilo kostanj, 89,47 % krompir. Pri prehrani Terezke, ki je sodila med premožnejši sloj tistega časa, so vsi učenci, poučevani s pomočjo filma, ugotovili, da med njeno prehrano sodijo klobasa in potica, med tem ko je v skupini, poučevani s pomočjo knjige, klobaso kot prehrano premožnejših opredelilo 73,68 %, potico pa 94,74 % vprašanih. Da sodi med prehrano bel kruh, je ugotovilo 94,74 % učencev poučevanih, s pomočjo filma, in 68,42 % učencev, poučevanih s knjigo. Za orehe in hruške se je odločilo 94,74 % učencev, poučevanih s pomočjo filma. Pri učencih, poučevanih s pomočjo knjige, pa 68,42 % za orehe in 73,68 % za hruške. Pri prepoznavanju iger pastirjev je bila nekajkrat uspešnejša skupina, poučevana s pomočjo knjige. Ti so v celoti podali pravilne odgovore o igranju na piščal ter hoji po rokah, za slednjo je pravilen odgovor podalo 94,74 % učencev, skupine poučevane s pomočjo filma, za igranje na piščal pa 84,21 %. Vsi učenci skupine, poučevane s pomočjo filma, so za igro izbrali guganje, igro z murni in ovcami. Učenci, poučevani s pomočjo knjige, pa so se v 84,47 % strinjali, da so se pastirji igrali z ovcami, 68,42 % jih je izbralo igro z murni ter 94,74 % igro na gugalnici. Učenci obeh skupin so bili enotni pri izbiri igre s hoduljami. Pri risanju pastirjevih oblačil je 94,74 % vseh učencev pastirju dodelilo klobuk. Ravno toliko učencev skupine, poučevane s pomočjo filma, je pastirju narisalo hlače z naramnicami, jopič in srajco, med tem ko je hlače z naramnicami pastirju narisalo 84,21 % učencev skupine, poučevane s pomočjo knjige, 89,74 % jih je narisalo jopič in srajco. Cokle ali čižme je pastirju dodelilo 94,74 % učencev, poučevanih s knjigo, ter vsi učenci, poučevani s pomočjo filma. Pri risanju malhe so bili uspešnejši učenci, poučevani s pomočjo filma (89,74 %), med tem ko jo je narisalo le 57,89 % učencev druge skupine. Slednji so bili uspešnejši pri dodelitvi palice (89,47 %), med tem ko je pastirju palico dodelilo 73,68 % učencev, poučevanih ob filmu. Izbira barv je bila tista, ki je v raziskavi pokazala pomen vizualne predstavitve učne snovi. Tokrat so bili ponovno uspešnejši učenci, poučevani s pomočjo filma (89,74 %). 73,68 % učencev, poučevanih ob knjigi, je izbralo ustrezno barvo. Pri splošnih trditvah o preteklosti sta bili skupini v večini enako uspešni. Obe sta se v celoti strinjali o prevozu in šolanju pastirjev. Ravno tako se je v obeh skupinah 73,68 % učencev strinjalo o življenju pastirjev pri tujih družinah. Vsi učenci, poučevani s pomočjo filma, so podali trditev, da so pastirji spali na senu, med tem ko se je s tem strinjalo 94,74 % učencev, poučevanih s pomočjo knjige. Ravno obratni rezultati pa so se pokazali pri trditvi, da so pastirji svoje delo na paši opravljali od jutra pa vse do večera. T-preizkus, v predznanju učencev, ni pokazal statistično pomembnih razlik. Po izvedeni učni uri so bili, pri reševanju učnih listov, uspešnejši učenci, poučevani s pomočjo filma. Učencem obeh skupin je bil s pomočjo mladinske književnosti, v kateri sta bili uporabljena literatura ter film, uspešno približano življenje ljudi v preteklosti, saj so učenci obeh skupin dosegli zastavljene učne cilje in s svojimi odgovori dokazali razumevanje učne snovi, ki so jo povezali in primerjali tudi s sedanjostjo.

Keywords:spoznavanje okolja, učni medij, film in mediji pri pouku, igrani mladinski film, pastirji, življenje ljudi v preteklosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[A. Jerman]
Number of pages:93 str., [13] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96257 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11735881 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Book and movie The Shepherds as a teaching medium during the lessons of environmental education in the second grade
Teaching Environmental Studies is more effective if the learning process includes active participation of children. A rich and varied content contributes to greater motivation and easier memorization for the pupils. Film is the one that stimulates the pupil's experiencing and mental activity, and is therefore one of the most important didactic tools in learning Environmental Studies (Šimenc, 1994). Using film in lessons makes sense also because film has been present since our childhood. By using it, we can present even remote content to the pupils. Film also has the power to increase the pupil's awareness of literary works (Rugelj, 2006). Since literature had an important role in the emergence of film, and since literature and film have parallel roles, I wanted to find out in the study which of the two allows for more effective teaching and a greater memorization of the learning materials. In this study, the descriptive and the causal-experimental method were used. The prevailing qualitative approach was combined with the quantitative approach. The sampling method was non-probability. I acquired the data through a test that was taken by 38 students of the 2nd grade of the selected elementary school, before and after the lesson. With the results of the study, I wanted to determine the effectiveness of the selected learning methods in the Environmental Studies class and to encourage teachers to use moving pictures in the classroom. The study found that both film and book as learning mediums contribute to the achievement of the set learning goals. In terms of memorization, film has a slightly greater effect as it enables not only aural, but also visual presentation of the given content. Receiving knowledge through multiple senses allows for greater memorization. The pupils mastered the aspects of human life in the past. The pupils who received a lesson with the aid of the film were more successful in naming the shepherd after the lesson; the correct answer was given by 94.74 % of the respondents. In the group that received a lesson with the aid of the book, the correct answer was given by slightly less students, 78.95 %. Both groups found it harder to name the nanny. Nobody named her correctly before the lesson, and 47.36 % of the pupils in both groups named her correctly after. When solving image problems, the group that was taught using the film was more successful. Thus, we can conclude that the reason for the success was additional visual reinforcement. The purse was recognized in the photograph and named by 78.95 % of the pupils who were taught with the aid of the film, while in the group that was taught with the aid of the book, it was recognized by only 47.37 % of the respondents. When naming the leaf basket, the correct answer was given by 73.68 % of the pupils taught with the aid of a film, and 68.42 % of the pupils taught using the book. The photograph of a sparrow hawk was recognized by a total of 94.74 % of the pupils who were taught using the film, and only by 47.37 % of the pupils taught using the book. The shepherds’ diet was the field where both groups were equally successful. All the pupils found that black bread belonged to the diet of the shepherds, while 94.47 % of the pupils in both groups designated chestnuts and 89.47 % potatoes to their diet. In terms of Terezka’s diet, who belonged to the richer class of the time, all the pupils, taught with the aid of the film, found that the sausage and ‘potica’ belonged to her diet, while in the group taught by the book, the sausage was defined by 73.68 % and ‘potica’ by 94.74 % of the respondents as the food of the rich. That white bread belonged to the diet was found by 94.74 % of the pupils taught with the aid of the film, and by 68.42 % of the pupils taught with the aid of the book. 94.74 % of the pupils taught using the film selected walnuts and pears. Out of the pupils taught with the aid of the book, 68.42 % selected walnuts and 73.68 % selected pears. In the recognition of the shepherds' games, the group that was taught with the aid of the book turned out to be more successful several times. They all gave correct answers about ‘playing the flute’ and ‘walking on hands’; the latter was answered correctly by 94,74 % of the pupils taught with the aid of the film and 84,21 % of them answered ‘playing the flute’ correctly. All of the students, taught with the aid of film, selected ‘playing on the swing’, ‘playing with grigs’ and ‘playing with sheep’. 84.47 % of the pupils, taught with the aid of the book, agreed that the shepherds played with the sheep, while 68.42 % selected ‘playing with grigs’ and 94.74 % selected ‘playing on the swing’. The pupils of both groups were unanimous in choosing the game with stilts. While drawing the shepherd’s clothes, 94.74 % of all pupils delegated a hat to the shepherd. The same amount of pupils of the group, taught with the aid of the film, drew the trousers with suspenders, a jacket and a shirt, while the trousers with suspenders were drawn by 84.21 % of the pupils taught with the aid of the book, and 89.74 % drew a jacket and a shirt. The clogs or the old-style shoes were given to the shepherd by 94.74 % of the pupils taught with the aid of the book, and all pupils taught using the film. When drawing the purse, the pupils taught with the aid of the film were more successful (89.74 %), while it was drawn by only 57.89 % of the pupils from the second group. The latter were more successful in the selection of the stick (89.47 %), while the shepherd was given a stick by only 73.68% of the pupils taught using the film. In the study, the choice of colors was the one that showed the importance of visual presentation of the learning material. This time, the pupils taught with the aid of the film were more successful (89.74 %). 73.68 % of the pupils taught using the book selected the appropriate color. In the general claims of the past, both groups were most of the time equally successful. Both fully agreed on the transport and the training of shepherds. In both groups, 73.68 % of the students also agreed on the life of the shepherds who lived with other families. All pupils taught using the film argued that the shepherds slept in the hay, and 94.74 % of the students taught using the book agreed. However, it was exactly the other way around with the claim that the shepherds worked on the pasture from morning and until the evening. The t-test in the pupils' prior knowledge did not show statistically significant differences. After the lesson was completed, the pupils who were taught with the aid of the film were more successful in solving the worksheets. With the help of a youth literature lesson, in which both literature and film were used, the pupils of both groups successfully learned and experienced more about the lives of the people in the past, as the pupils of both groups achieved the set learning goals and with their answers demonstrated the understanding of the learning material, which they connected and compared also to the present.

Keywords:environmental education, book, film, okoljska vzgoja, knjiga

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