
Funkcionalni vadbeni program za stabilizatorje trupa in ramenskega obroča : diplomsko delo
ID Fink, Rebeka (Author), ID Majerič, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: BB90BF9F87765EEDE82F2A853C1BA55A
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/8326d824-26b7-487d-a848-b72de47baf01

Diplomsko delo obravnava funkcionalno vadbo z vidika stabilizacije trupa in ramenskega obroča. Ključni vidik funkcionalne vadbe za krepitev stabilizatorjev trupa in ramenskega obroča je ohranjanje in razvijanje osnovnih gibalnih vzorcev, ki so pomembni za kakovostno življenje in opravljanje vsakodnevnih opravil, kot so nošenja, dvigovanja, spuščanja, premikanja, vlečenja in potiskanja različnih predmetov in bremen. Z vidika gibalnih sposobnosti je pri tovrstni vadbi glavni poudarek na ohranjanju in razvoju moči, gibljivosti, koordinacije in ravnotežja. Ugotovili smo, da je pri funkcionalni vadbi pomembna sistematična izbira statičnih in dinamičnih ter krepilnih in razteznih gimnastičnih vaj. Pri tej vadbi v prvi fazi z ustreznimi statičnimi gimnastičnimi vajami stabiliziramo nepodprte dele telesa oz. sklepe. S tem povzročimo, da vadeči zavestno ohranja položaj telesa in nadzoruje mišice, ki stabilizacijo omogočajo. V drugi fazi vadbe vadeči iz stabiliziranih položajev izvaja različno zahtevna osnovna in kompleksna dinamična gibanja, ki posnemajo vsakodnevna gibanja in opravila (nošenja, dvigovanja, spuščanja, premikanja, vlečenja in potiskanja) v olajšanih in oteženih okoliščinah. Pri tem zavestno nadzoruje delovanje mišic, ki omogočajo izvajanje dinamičnih gibanj. Ta vadba je z vidika načrtovanja in izvedbe zahtevna, saj mora vaditelj poznati funkcionalno anatomijo in delovanje mišic. Gimnastične vaje namreč ne smejo biti izbrane naključno, ampak sistematično in glede na cilje vadbe. Prav tako je vadba zahtevna za vadeče, saj glavni cilj ni samo razvoj gibalnih sposobnosti (moči, gibljivosti, koordinacije, ravnotežja), temveč tudi zavestno in nadzorovano izvajanje gibanja. Predvidevamo, da s funkcionalno vadbo (s sistematično izbiro statičnih in dinamičnih ter krepilnih in razteznih gimnastičnih vaj) lahko v določeni meri izboljšamo kakovost življenja. Zavestno in nadzorovano izvajanje gibanja, ki se ga vadeči naučijo in izvajajo pri funkcionalni vadbi, se namreč lahko prenese tudi na izvajanje rutinskih opravil v vsakdanjem življenju. To pa nedvomno vpliva tudi na pravilno telesno držo in pravilno izvajanje gibanj, kar lahko prepreči pojav bolečine (in poškodb) v predelu hrbtenice in ramenskega obroča.

Keywords:funkcionalni trening, ramenski obroč, trup, stabilnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96226 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5288113 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Functional training program for strengthening core stabilizers and shoulder gridle
Final bachelor thesis discusses the topic of core and shoulder ring stabilizers and their functional training. The main purpose of functional training for strengthening core and shoulder ring stabilizers is preserving and developing basic movement patterns. They are necessary for quality life of each individual and for everyday activities such as carrying, lifting, lowering, moving, pulling and pushing of objects. Looking at the moving abilities of such training program, the main emphasis is on the preserving and developing strength, agility, coordination and balance. Our finding was that systematic pick of static versus dynamic, and strengthening versus stretching exercises is very important. In first phase of such training program, we stabilize unsupported parts (joints) with appropriate static gymnastic exercises. With this we force him or her to keep the posture of his or her body and control the muscles that allow stabilization. In second phase, individual performs different dynamic movements, basic and advanced, that imitate everyday activities (carrying, lifting, lowering, moving, pulling and pushing). All the movements are performed from the static poses what allows individual to have control of muscles being used. This type of exercising is very difficult in terms of preparing and executing the training plan. Trainer has to be knowledgeable about the functional anatomy and muscle functioning. Gymnastic exercises cannot be picked randomly. Instead, they must be thoroughly and systematically selected, depending on the goals of the functional training. Moreover, functional training is difficult for the individual who trains. The main goal of exercising is not development of movement abilities (strength, agility, coordination, balance), but on the conscious and controlled movements. We predispose that with the functional training (consisting of systematically selected static and dynamic, and strengthening and stretching exercises) one can improve his or her quality of life. Conscious and controlled way of movement which individual learns while performing functional training can actually transfer to the other aspects of everyday life. This unquestionably affects body posture and accurate performance of movements. What is more, altogether they can prevent the pain and injuries of spine and shoulder ring area.

Keywords:functional training, shoulder ring, core, stability

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