
Vpliv prisotnosti psa na psihofiziologijo osebe med opravljanjem kognitivne naloge
ID Gobbo, Elena (Author), ID Geršak, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Stresna situacija, tako tista, ki smo ji izpostavljeni v vsakdanjem življenju kakor umetno ustvarjena v laboratoriju, privede do sprememb v aktivnosti našega avtonomnega živčnega sistema. To se pokaže kot sprememba v našem kardiovaskularnem sistemu in drugih fizioloških parametrih. Posledice povečanega kardiovaskularnega odziva so lahko različni negativni učinki na človekovo zdravje, zato je pomembno raziskati različne dejavnike, ki bi pripomogli k zmanjšanju stresa in intenzivnosti odzivov na stresorje. Eden od možnih dejavnikov za zmanjševanje stresa je socialna podpora med delovanjem stresorja, na primer prisotnost domače živali. Ta lahko vpliva na zmanjšanje sprememb v fizioloških parametrih kakor tudi na subjektivno oceno anksioznosti. Oblikovala sem študijo, v kateri sem pri 30 študentih, ki so lastniki psa ali sobivajo s psom, merila različne fiziološke odzive in subjektivne ocene anksioznosti med opravljanjem stresne aktivnosti v obliki kognitivne naloge. Udeleženci so sodelovali v dveh eksperimentalnih pogojih, in sicer je bil med meritvami v enem od pogojev pes prisoten, v drugem pa ne. Anksioznost sem merila s kratko različico vprašalnika STAI-X1, kognitivno nalogo pa je predstavljala mentalna aritmetika. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da prisotnost lastnega psa med opravljanjem kognitivne naloge statistično pomembno ne vpliva na zmanjšanje sistoličnega in diastoličnega krvnega tlaka ter srčnega utripa, prav tako pa ne vpliva na zmanjšanje subjektivne anksioznosti in uspešnost pri reševanju kognitivnih nalog. Vzorec udeležencev v raziskavi je bil premajhen in omejen le na populacijo študentov, zato rezultatov ne moremo veljavno posplošiti.

Keywords:vpliv psa
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95901 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11730761 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of the presence of a dog on psychophysiology of a subject performing a cognitive task
Stressful situation, the one that we are exposed to in everyday life, as well as the one artificially created in the laboratory, leads to changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system. This appears as a change in the cardiovascular system and other physiological parameters. The consequences of an increased cardiovascular response could have different negative effects on human health, therefore it is important to explore various factors that would contribute to reducing stress and intensity of responses to stressors. One of the possible factors for stress reduction is social support during the duration of a stressor, such as the presence of pets. This can affect the reduction of changes in physiological parameters as well as the subjective assessment of anxiety. I designed a study in which I measured various physiological responses and subjective assessments of anxiety during the exercise of stressful activity in the form of a cognitive tasks, involving 30 students who own the dog or cohabit with a dog. Participants partook in two experimental conditions: during the measurements in one of the conditions the dog was present and during the other it was not. I measured the anxiety with a short version of the STAI-X1 questionnaire, and the cognitive task was mental arithmetic. The results of the study showed that the presence of one's own dog while performing a cognitive task does not reduce statistically significantly systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate, nor does it affect the reduction of subjective anxiety and performance in cognitive tasks. The sample of participants in the study was too small and limited to the population of students, therefore the results can not be generalized.

Keywords:effect of the dog

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