
Kregarjev vrhunec v sakralnem slikarstvu: Triptih: Stvarjenje – Odrešenje – Poveličanje
ID Plavec, Jure (Author), ID Kemperl, Metoda (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4730/ This link opens in a new window

Stane Kregar velja za enega izmed začetnikov slovenskega sakralnega modernističnega slikarstva. V svojem raznolikem opusu je s Triptihom: Stvarjenje – Odrešenje – Poveličanje približal kakovosti svojih posvetnih del in dosegel svoj vrhunec sakralnega modernizma. Moj glavni namen je analizirati likovno delo prek ikonografske, slogovne in kontekstualne analize. Moj raziskovalni problem je slogovna opredelitev semeniškega triptiha, ki mu je do sedaj v literaturi in v razstaviščih namenjeno veliko pozornosti (obravnavan v literaturi in razstavljen na razstavi »Romar k lepoti«), a se do tega dela še nihče ni opredelil na takšen način. V diplomskem delu pišem o barvi, svetlostnih poudarkih, strogi kompoziciji, orisni uporabi linije in likovnem prostoru. Mnogi avtorji, kot so Tomaž Brejc, Emilijan Cevc, Jure Mikuž, Aleksander Bassin, Milček Komelj in Andrej Doblehar so se že ukvarjali s Kregarjem, vendar z izjemo Marijana Tršarja, se ni še nihče ukvarjal z nekaterimi slogovnimi vprašanji triptiha, zaradi česar bo to diplomsko delo doprineslo nov pristop in pogled na triptih. Diplomsko delo sem razdelil na štiri poglavja: v prvem sem obravnaval sakralno ikonografijo in razvoj triptiha, v drugem poglavju sem se lotil ikonografske in ikonološke analize, v tretjem delu oblikovne obravnave umetnine ter v četrtem delu kontekstualne analize. Pri svojem delu sem za strokovno-teoretično raziskovanje uporabil različne metode dela, ki temeljijo zlasti na primerjalni analizi različnih pisnih virov in literature ter njihovi sintezi. Uporabil sem tudi metodo deskripcije in opazovanja, metodo formalne analize, ikonografske analize, ikonološke, slogovne in kontekstualne analize.

Keywords:Stane Kregar
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95894 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11729481 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Highlight of Kregar's sacred painting:Triptych: Creation – Salvation – Glorification
Stane Kregar, one of the pioneers of Slovenian sacred modernist painting, reached his pinnacle in sacred opus with the work Triptych: Creation – Salvation – Glorification, and he reached the quality of his secular artworks. The main focus of my diploma thesis is to explore Kregar's triptych through iconographic-theoretical analysis, stylistic and contextual analysis. The research problem of my thesis lies in defining style of the seminary triptych from the artistic as well as from the theoretical perspective, which has been widely discussed in literature and also appeared at exhibitions, such as the exhibition "A Pilgrim towards Beauty" (“Romar k lepoti”). I write about Kregar’s use of colour, his technique of highlighting by using bright colours, strict composition, his way of using the outline, the stroke and art space. Many authors, such as Tomaž Brejc, Emilijan Cevc, Jure Mikuž, Aleksander Bassin, Milček Komelj and Andrej Doblehar, have already discussed and researched Kregar, but with the exception of Marijan Tršar, who has partly dealt with theoretical stylistic issues, no one has dealt with these issues yet. My work aims to take a new approach to the understanding of the triptych. The thesis consists of four chapters. In the first chapter, I discuss the sacral iconography and the development of the triptych through history. In the second chapter, I write about the iconographic and iconological analysis in the third I discuss the artistic and the theoretical treatment of the artwork and in the fourth chapter contextual analysis of the painting. For the purpose of both, the theoretical and research part of the thesis, different methods were used. The majority however, is based on the comparative analysis of various written sources and literature and their synthesis. I also used the method of description and observation, the method of formal analysis, the iconographic analysis, the iconological and contextual analysis.

Keywords:Stane Kregar

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