
Učinkovitost uporabe modela pljuč pri pouku biologije v osnovni šoli
ID Posavec, Ana (Author), ID Strgar, Jelka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4726/ This link opens in a new window

V uvodu diplomskega dela smo se osredotočili na pomen motivacije pri pouku. Učna motivacija je eden najpomembnejših dejavnikov uspešnega učenja, učenci pa lahko v šoli prav zaradi pomanjkanja motivacije slabo napredujejo. Motivacijo smo opredelili kot notranjo in zunanjo. Ugotovili smo, da lahko notranjo motivacijo učitelji pri učencih povečajo z različnimi strategijami, pomembno pa je tudi, da prepoznajo stopnje notranje motivacije pri učencih. Analiza je pokazala, da so pomembni viri notranje motivacije radovednost, interes, vrednotenje in jasni učni cilji. Na te vire učitelj vpliva pri pouku in tako poveča zanimivost pouka in zavzetost učencev. V diplomski nalogi smo kot vir povečevanja motivacije pri biologiji izbrali uporabo modela, ki pritegne pozornost učencev, saj v pouk vnaša element novosti in raznolikosti. Konkretno smo se osredotočili na model delovanja pljuč. V nadaljevanju smo analizirali dva potrjena učbeniška kompleta za biologijo v osmem razredu osnovne šole, pri čemer smo se osredotočili na temo dihanje. Ugotovili smo, da dobro pokrivata temo dihanje in vsebujeta veliko rubrik, ki pomagajo pri usvajanju nove snovi. Pri pregledu literature smo naleteli na napačne predstave, ki jih imajo učenci o dihanju. Za temo dihanje smo pripravili dve učni enoti in preizkus znanja. S testom bomo pred izvajanjem učne ure preverili, kakšno predznanje imajo naši učenci in kakšne so njihove morebitne napačne predstave, po izvedbi ure pa bomo ugotovili, ali je bila učna ura uspešna. Učni enoti se razlikujeta po tem, da je prva kontrolna (učenci bodo delali teoretično brez modela pljuč), druga pa eksperimentalna (učenci bodo delali praktično z modelom pljuč). V drugi fazi raziskave, ki bo potekala v okviru magistrske naloge, nameravamo učinkovitost pripravljenih učnih enot preveriti na osmošolcih.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95890 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11728457 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The efectiveness of model of the lungs in biology classes in primary school
In the introduction of this degree we have concentrated on the importance of motivation in class. Learning motivation is one of the most important factors of successful learning. Lack of motivation may cause pupils not to progress effectively. Motivation is defined as internal and external. While we have found that teachers can raise internal motivation using many different strategies, it is also important that they recognise the stages of pupils' internal motivation. Analysis has shown that curiosity, interest, evaluating and clear study goals are important sources of internal motivation. The teacher influences these sources of motivation during class, thus increasing pupils' commitment. In the degree we have chosen a model which draws the attention of pupils as a source of increasing motivation, because it brings an element of novelty and diversity to class. Specifically, we have concentrated on a model of lung function. We have analysed two confirmed 8th grade Biology textbook packs whilst concentrating on the topic of breathing. We have found that they cover the topic well and contain many sections that help with adoption of the matter. During literature check we have encountered false perceptions pupils have about breathing. We have prepared two learning units and an exam on the topic. Using the exam, we are going to test what pre-knowledge our pupils have and their possible misconceptions before the performance of the class. After the class we are going to find out whether it was successful or not. The classes differ in one having a control role (pupils will work theoretically without the lung model) and the other being experimental (pupils will work practically with the lung model). During the second stage of the research, taking place during master studies, we intend to test the efficiency of the prepared learning units on 8th graders.


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