
Razumevanje fizikalnih in kemijskih sprememb na treh ravneh predstavitve kemijskih pojmov pri študentih razrednega pouka
ID Bregar, Anja (Author), ID Devetak, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Slapničar, Miha (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4707/ This link opens in a new window

Fizikalne in kemijske spremembe so učne vsebine, ki obravnavajo bistvene kemijske pojme in procese na ravni delcev. Pri razlagi kemijskih pojmov na ravni delcev je zato potrebna uporaba različnih in primernih vizualizacijskih elementov, kot so npr.: (1) slike, (2) fotografije, (3) filmski izseki, (4) 2D ali 3D stacionarne submikroskopske predstavitve, (5) 2D ali 3D dinamične sheme kontaminacije ipd. Učitelji lahko na ta način kemijski pojem razložijo in interpretirajo na treh ravneh predstavitve: (1) makroskopski, (2) submikroskopski in (3) simbolni ravni. Naloga učitelja je ustrezna predstavitev učne vsebine in s tem preprečitev pojavljanja težav pri njihovem razumevanju in številnih napačnih razumevanjih. Učenci si med tem za vsak kemijski pojem ustvarijo lasten mentalni model, ki se razvija med njihovo interakcijo z okoljem. Ustrezno interpretirane informacije novih kemijskih pojmov so brez razvitih napačnih razumevanj shranjene v dolgotrajnem spominu le, če jih učeči med seboj sočasno povezuje na treh ravneh predstavitve. Z ustrezno razvitim mentalnim modelom razumejo učenci kemijski pojem v celoti, kar zagotovi trajnejše in kakovostnejše znanje. Učeči na ta način razvija svojo naravoslovno pismenost in pridobiva ustrezno predznanje, na katerem lahko v nadaljnjem izobraževanju uspešno nadgrajuje posamezen naravosloven kot tudi kemijski pojem. Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, kakšno je razumevanje izbranih kemijskih pojmov na treh ravneh predstavitve v povezavi z naslednjimi kemijskimi učnimi vsebinami: (1) agregatna stanja snovi, (2) prehodi med agregatnimi stanji snovi, (3) čista snov, (4) element, (5) spojina, (6) zmes in (7) kemijska reakcija. Poleg tega je bil namen diplomskega dela ugotoviti tudi morebitna napačna razumevanja pri izbranih kemijskih pojmih na vzorcu 81 študentov 1. letnika študijskega programa prve stopnje – razredni pouk. Rezultati kažejo, da imajo študentje pri izbranih kemijskih pojmih razvita napačna razumevanja. 80,2 % študentov ne razume procesa kondenzacije. Delcev v zmesi elementov ne prepozna kar 64,2 % študentov. Največ težav in napačnih razumevanj pa imajo študentje razvitih pri zapisu enačbe kemijske reakcije na podlagi submikroskopske predstavitve delcev. Pri bodočih učiteljih razrednega pouka bi bilo z ustreznimi načini poučevanja nujno odkrivati in odpravljati napačna razumevanja, da bodo lahko učencem pravilno predstavili izbran kemijski pojem.

Keywords:tri ravni predstavitve kemijskega pojma
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95814 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11722313 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Understanding the physical and chemical changes on the three levels of the presentation of chemical concepts in students primary education
Physical and chemical changes are learning contents that address the essential chemical concepts in processes at particle level. When explaining chemical concepts at particle level, it is necessary to use various and appropriate visualization elements, such as (1) pictures, (2) photographs, (3) film excerpts (4) 2D or 3D stationary submicroscopic representations, (5) 2D and 3D dynamic contamination schemes, etc. This way, teachers can explain and interpret a chemical concept on three presentation levels: (1) macroscopic, (2) submicroscopic and (3) symbolic. The teacher’s task is to appropriately present the learning content, thus preventing understanding issues and numerous misconceptions. During this, the pupils create own mental models for each chemical concept, which develops during their interaction with the environment. Appropriately interpreted information of new chemical concepts is saved in the long-term memory without developed misconceptions only if the pupil simultaneously connects the information on three presentation levels. With an appropriately developed mental model, the pupils understand the chemical concept in its entirety, which ensures more durable and high-quality knowledge. This way, the pupils develop their scientific literacy and acquire appropriate knowledge, which can be used in further education to successfully upgrade individual scientific and chemical concepts. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to establish the level of understanding of the selected chemical concepts on three presentation levels in relation to the following chemical learning contents: (1) states of matter, (2) transformation between states of matter, (3) pure substance, (4) element, (5) compound, (6) mixture and (7) chemical reaction. In addition, the purpose of this bachelor’s thesis was also to identify any misunderstandings of selected chemical concepts on a sample of 81 1st year BA students, Primary Education. The results show that for the selected chemical concepts, the students have developed misconceptions – 80.2% of students do not understand the condensation process and 64.2% percent of students do not recognize particles in element mixtures. Students have the most problems and misconceptions about the chemical reaction equation based on the submicroscopic presentation of particles. With appropriate teaching methods, it would be necessary to identify and eliminate misconceptions in future primary school teachers, so that they would be able to correctly present the selected chemical concepts to pupils.

Keywords:three presentation levels for chemical concepts

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