
Analiza brezžičnih usmerjevalnikov
ID BLATNIK, JAN (Author), ID Zimic, Nikolaj (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: DBE2BA0505942A46CB8808CF4A638141
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/3380086d-e667-47a2-9485-11e9442c0bf5

V diplomskem delu z naslovom Analiza brezžičnih usmerjevalnikov je analizirano sočasno delovanje dveh dostopnih točk na istem kanalu. Najprej je opisano, kaj je brezžično omrežje in kako deluje. Opisani so najpomembnejši protokoli, okvirji, zgodovina standarda 802.11 in kako brezžična omrežja prenašajo signal. V tretjem poglavju so navedeni in opisani načini dostopa do medija, ki so pomembni za brezžična omrežja. V praktičnem delu je najprej navedena uporabljena strojna in programska oprema. Opisani so scenariji, v katerih smo opravili meritve, in sam potek meritev. V petem poglavju pa so navedeni rezultati meritev in njihova razlaga. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da s sočasnim delovanjem dostopni točki medsebojno vplivata druga na drugo tako, da zmanjšata hitrost prenosa podatkov. Enaki dostopni točki si ob enakih pogojih pasovno širino razdelita enakomerno. Pri različnih dostopnih točkah lahko ena prevlada in začne uporabljati večji del pasovne širine. Med dvema dostopnima točkama, ki se razlikujeta zgolj v razdalji od postaje, uporabi večji del pasovne širine tista, ki je bližje.

Keywords:brezžični usmerjevalnik, dostopna točka, kanal, brezžično omrežje, wifi, wlan, 802.11, analiza, primerjava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95798 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Wireless Router Analysis
Concurrent activity of two access points on the same channel is analyzed in this thesis titled Analysis of Wireless Routers. First, wireless network and its workings are described. Most important protocols, frames, the history of 802.11 standard and signal transmissions in wireless networks are described. The third chapter illustrates the Media Access Control techniques which are essential for wireless networks. Used hardware and software are initially described in the practical part of the study. Then scenarios of measurements and their executions are detailed. The fifth chapter lists the results of measurements with explanations. It has been established that access points which are concurrently active mutually influence each other in the way that reduces their throughput. The same access points used under the same conditions share the bandwidth equally. When different access points are used, there is a possibility that one becomes dominant using a larger share of the bandwidth. If there is only the difference of distance to the station between the two access points, the larger share of the bandwidth is used by the one which is closer to the station.

Keywords:wireless router, analysis, access point, channel, wireless network, wifi, wlan, 802.11, comparison

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