The aim of thesis is to determine to what extent the institutional frameworks of the country in the labour market influence the employment structure of the population, as well as which concrete activities of the AEP in Slovenia enhances employability and the employment of older workers in the labour market. Further development of the developed countries, which includes Slovenia, is largely dependent on the contibution of the older people in the labour market. Labour market is one of the main institutional features of the economy that is nowdays subjected to a pronounced demographic and economic changes, making economic activity of the members weaker. Inadequate adjustment this influence in the legal regulation of the labour market leads to many problems, which are reflected in the employment of the population, or structual problems in the labour market. The olders are most exposed, who have due to several structural characheristics, including age and low level of education, less opportunities for integration on the labour market, so they are often found among the unemployed persons. The latter, however, often leads to the change in the status of inactivity, because is more difficult for them to compete with the rest of the groups of persons in the labour market due to their lack of relevant knowledge, skills and competences. The active employment policy, which has become the key mechanism of government in employment policy with the reform of the labour market in Slovenia, with its measures represents a direct intervention in the prevention of the transition into unemployment of older persons, as well as maintaining employment and opportunities for advancement in their employment cycle. Lifelong learning is cruical for seniors, for implementation of which will be necessary in the future to devote more resources and privileges of older people to engage in actions that make this possible from the title of the continuation of employment of older people also in the long run.