
Izbor otrok za mete v predpubertetnem in pubertetnem obdobju na osnovi povezanosti z morfološkimi značilnostmi in gibalnimi sposobnostmi : diplomsko delo
ID Reisman, Mihael (Author), ID Čoh, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: AA6C455D7A5B49108F48B0C5EBBDFC0D
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a0efff45-fa28-4e5e-b738-94bfb68b4193

V sodobnem športu je kljub razvoju tehnologije in široki dostopnosti najrazličnejših metod treningov še zmeraj pomanjkljivo razvito področje identifikacije talenta. Zaradi manjše količine nepredvidljivih dejavnikov in položajev, ki neposredno vplivajo na uspešnost v atletiki kakor tudi v atletskih metih, je na tem področju nekoliko lažje določiti testno baterijo gibalnih sposobnosti, ki jih je potrebno opazovati in preučiti, da lahko določimo, katere od njih imajo največji vpliv na uspešnost meta. Na podlagi tega predvidevamo, kateri atlet bo dosegel najboljši rezultat. V uvodu diplomskega dela vam bomo podrobneje predstavili disciplino atletskih metov. Posebno pozornost smo namenili suvanju krogle. Navedli in opisali smo dejavnike, ki v največji meri določajo dolžino meta. Podrobno smo predstavili tudi linearno in rotacijsko tehniko suvanja krogle. V nadaljevanju smo raziskali pomen besede talent v športu, kakšna je razlika med nadarjenostjo in talentom in kako so se nekatere države že lotile identifikacije talentov. Upoštevali smo tudi področja biološkega razvoja otrok in starostnih obdobij, ki jih bomo primerjali v raziskovalnem delu. V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali predpubertetno in pubertetno obdobje, saj smo želeli ugotoviti povezanost nekaterih morfoloških značilnosti, specifičnih in osnovnih gibalnih sposobnostih v skupini atletov predpubertetnega obdobja (U 10) in skupini atletov pubertetnega obdobja (U 14). Prav tako nas je zanimala povezanost rezultatov med starostnima skupinama. V letu 2015 smo izvedli raziskavo »Ekspertno modeliranje izbora mladih atletov« Fakultete za šport v sodelovanju Atletske zveze Slovenije, s katero smo pridobili podatke, uporabljene v raziskovalnem delu diplomskega dela. Podatke smo statistično obdelali z računalniškim programom IBM SPSS Statistics 22. Hkrati smo izvedli test linearne regresije in Pearsonovo korelacijo. Grafično smo podatke predstavili s programom Microsoft Excel 2016. Rezultate smo predstavili z izračunom enačbe linearne premice. Izračunali smo vrednost determinacijskega koeficienta R2. Za primerjavo smo uporabili še vrednost korelacijskega koeficienta Pearsonove korelacije. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov smo ugotovili, da nekatere morfološke mere, specifične gibalne in osnovne gibalne sposobnosti, kažejo na visoko povezanost in v veliki meri pojasnjujejo uspešnost sunka težke žoge. Spet druge morfološke mere, specifične gibalne in osnovne gibalne sposobnosti kažejo nizko povezanost in v majhni meri pojasnjujejo uspešnost metov, nekatere pa so celo statistično neznačilne.

Keywords:Meti, suvanje krogle, talent, nadarjenost, puberteta.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95759 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5273009 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Talent identification for throws in period before puberty and in puberty based on connection with morphologic features and movement abilities
Despite development of techniques and broad accessibilty of variety of different methods of training there is still a lack of development on the field of talent indentification in contemporary sports. Due to smaller amount of unpredictable factors and situations which indirectly affect success in athletics, also in throws, on this field is slightly easier to determine test battery of movement abilities which should be monitored and studied in a way to recognize which of them have the biggest influence on success in this category. In such a way we would be able to predict which athlete would achieve the best score. In the introduction of diplome thesis we would like to present the discipline of throws. Special attention we granted to the shot puts. We stated and described factors, which have the greatest influence on length of the throw. We presented linear and rotation technique of shot puts. In the following we reshearched meaning of the word talent in sports. More accurately what is the difference between being gifted and having talent and how some countries have begun to research identification of talent. We also looked into biological development of children and ther age periods which we have compared in research part. Through diplome thesis we tried to determine connection of some morphologic features, specific and basic movement abilities in athletes before puberty (U 10) and in athlets in puberty (U 14). We also studied connection of the results between age groups. In year 2015 we carried out the research titled Expert modelling of choosing of young athletes. Research was carried out on our faculty in connection with Athletic federation of Slovenia. They provided us with data which we used in our research part. We processed our data with SPSS statistics 22, we carried out test of linear regression and Pearson correlation. Grafic representation we did with Microsoft Excel 2016. We presented our results with calculation on linear line. We also calculateed value of determination coefficient. For comparison we also used value of correlation coefficient of Pearson correlation. We found out that connection of morphologic features, basic and specific movement abilities point at high connectivity and in to a large extent explain success at throws. Some morphologic measures, specific and basic movement abilities show low connectivity and in smaller extent explain sucess at throws, some are also statisticly nonsignificant.

Keywords:Throws, shot put, talent, giftedness, puberty.

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