
Genetska modifikacija, lastnosti in etične dileme pri transgenem lososu
ID Valcl, Nejc (Author), ID Sušnik Bajec, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a448472a-e98f-42fe-85f9-5829af40b476

AquAdvantage Salmon je linija transgenih atlantskih lososov, ki je prva pridobila dovoljenje za uporabo v človeški prehrani. Namen diplomskega dela je pregled objavljenih raziskav s področja genetske modifikacije te linije, primerjava lastnosti transgenega lososa z nemodificiranim in predstavitev etičnih dilem, ki se pojavljajo. Linijo so ustvarili z vstavljanjem rekombinantne DNK, sestavljene iz »antifriz« promotorja ribe oceanski molič ter iz gena za sintezo rastnega hormona kraljevega lososa, v atlantskega lososa,. Takšen transgeni losos raste več kot 2-krat hitreje kakor nemodificiran losos, ima za 10% izboljšano izkoriščanje krme, zmožen je hitrejšega razvoja skozi sladkovodno fazo, ima za 2,2-krat povečano površino tankega črevesa ter je počasnejši plavalec v primerjavi z divjim tipom atlantskega lososa. Po sestavi telesa se transgeni losos ne razlikuje od nemodificiranega lososa, tudi vsebnost hormona IGF se ne nahaja v škodljivih količinah v tkivih transgenega lososa. Tveganja proizvodnje transgenega lososa so okoljska in prehranska. Dokler obstaja tveganje pobega transgenega lososa, obstaja tudi tveganje za okolje. Mnenja glede tega so deljena. Javnost precej nasprotuje proizvodnji transgenega lososa, prav tako zahteva obvezno označevanje živil in večjo transparentnost pri postopkih sprejemanja nadaljnjih dovoljenj za gojenje transgenih živali v prehranske namene.

Keywords:ribogojstvo, losos, genetska tehnologija, transgene živali, etika
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95665 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3955848 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Genetic modifications, characteristics and ethical dilemmas in transgenic salmon
AquAdvantage Salmon is a line of transgenic Atlantic salmon that was the first to obtain a permit for use in human diet. The aim of the B. Sc. Thesis was to review the published research on topic of genetic modification, comparison of characteristics of transgenic salmon and unmodified salmon, and ethical dilemmas. This transgenic line was created by inserting rDNA, made of an anti-freeze promoter from the ocean pout and of a growth hormone gene from the Chinook salmon. The transgenic salmon has its growth enhanced by more than two fold comparing to unmodified salmon and feed conversion is better by 10%. Transgenic salmon is capable of faster development through the freshwater phase, it has 2,2 times more of intestinal surface area than unmodified salmon, and is a slower swimmer in comparison with wild Atlantic salmon. Body composition of transgenic salmon does not vary from that of unmodified salmon. Tissues of transgenic salmon do not contain dangerous levels of IGF hormone. Risks of producing transgenic salmon are environmental and nutritional. As long as there exists a risk of escaped transgenic salmon, there is a risk for the environment. Opinions about that vary. The public is very opposed to transgenic salmon production, as well as they demand obligatory labelling of food, and more transparent processes of permit review for transgenic animal production to be used in human diet.

Keywords:aquaculture, salmon, gene technology, transgenic animals, ethics

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