
Analiza sestave in vrednosti gospodinjske porabe vode in njihove prognoze : diplomska naloga
ID Rošer, Rebeka (Author), ID Steinman, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kozelj, Daniel (Comentor)

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Diplomska naloga obravnava analizo sestave in vrednosti gospodinjske porabe vode ter njihove prognoze. Pri tem je poudarek predvsem na analiziranju porabe vode med gospodinjstvi individualnih in večstanovanjskih objektov. Delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in praktičnega dela. Teoretični del zajema splošni opis porabe vode in bistveno zakonodajo v okviru oskrbe s pitno vodo. Predstavljeni so glavni sektorji porabe (podrobneje gospodinjstva) in nadalje neenakomernost oziroma nihanje porabe v različnih časovnih obdobjih. Praktični del zajema predstavitev območja vodooskrbnega sistema Komunalnega podjetja Velenje, d. o. o ter analizo izbranega območja s pomočjo programa za geografski informacijski sistem Manifold System Release 8.0 in programa za obdelavo preglednic Microsoft Excel. Na podalgi podatkov Komunalnega pojetja Velenje je bila za njihovo oskrbovano območje razčlenjena poraba vode po sektorjih za leto 2016, v nadaljevanju pa sta bila analizirana trend prodanih količin v obdobju zadnjih petih let ter trend nihanja v izbranih enotah (m3/prebivalca). V sklopu analize so bila izbrana tudi tri posamezna merilna območja s karakteristično poselitvijo, znotraj katerih je bila izračunana in primerjana norma porabe glede na tip poselitve.

Keywords:poraba vode, neenakomernost porabe, gospodinjska poraba, prognoza
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[R. Rošer]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95587 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8190817 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Structure and value analysis of household water consumption and their forecast : Graduation thesis
The graduate thesis deals with structure and value analysis of household water consumption and their forecast. The emphasis is mainly on analysing water consumption patterns between household of individual and multi-apartment objects. Thesis consists of a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part cover a general description of water consumption and essential legislation which regulate drinking water supply. There are presented main sectors of water consumption (more detail in households) and further consumption uneveness in different time periods. The practical part include the presentation of the water supply system area operated by the Komunalno podjetje Velenje,d.o.o. and analisys of the selected area using the Manifold System release 8.0, program for geographic information system and spreadsheet processing program Microsoft Excel. Based on data from Komunalno podjetje Velenje, their supply area was divided into the water consumption by sectors for the year 2016, subsequently, the trend of sold water quantities in the past five-year period and the variation trend in selected units (m3 per inhabitant) were analyzed. As part of the analysis three district metering areas (DMA) in different type of settlement were selected, within which the standard of consumption according to the type of setlement was calculated and compared.

Keywords:water consumption, consumption unevenness, household consumption, forecast

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