
Uporaba metode sledenja delcev za širjenje mikroplastike v Severnem Jadranu : diplomska naloga
ID Krsmanović, Mirko (Author), ID Žagar, Dušan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: BF156487CE3A777C7139DF63EB2F5D0C
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/8de26f44-cd4c-4de5-96de-f48fe755db40

Zaradi vse večje svetovne potrošnje, kot odpadek konča vse več embalažne in druge plastike. Ta razpade na mikroplastiko, ki vstopa v naravni cikel in prehransko verigo, transport pa se pogosto vrši po vodotokih do morja. Preučevanje transporta zahteva razumevanje širjenja, zgostitev in razpršitev takšnih delcev v vodnih masah zaradi tokov, kar simuliramo z matematičnimi modeli. Ena od metod v uporabi je metoda sledenja delcev. Z ustreznimi podatki o hitrostnih poljih ob različnih meteoroloških dogodkih lahko z modelom vnaprej izračunamo gibanje delcev. Uporabili smo model NAFTA3d, različico nadgrajeno za nevtralno in negativno plovne delce. Opazovali smo premikanje in koncentracije diskretnih delcev zaradi tokov. Pri simulacijah brez meteorološkega ekstrema se je onesnaženje gibalo s cirkulacijo po vsem Tržaškem zalivu in doseglo hrvaško Istro ter slovensko morje. Bolj podrobno smo opazovali gibanje pozitivno plovnih delcev v primeru izlitja z reko Sočo v Tržaški zaliv ob vetrovnem ekstremu. Pozitivno plovni delci so se s tokovi pretežno gibali proti jugu ob italijanski obali. Iz izvedenih simulacij smo z grafičnimi prikazi ponazorili gibanje diskretnih delcev. Nadaljnje raziskovanje tokov v polzaprtih in zaprtih morjih je pomembno za poznavanje vseh možnih poti onesnaženja ter z vidika varnosti in hitrega ukrepanja ob nevarnih izlitjih in nesrečah.

Keywords:model NAFTA3d, metoda sledenja delcev, mikroplastika, Severni Jadran
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[M. Krsmanović]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95580 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8192865 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Application of particles tracking method for spreading of microplastics in the Northern Adriatic : Graduation thesis
Due to the increasing global consumption, more and more packaging and other plastics are ending up as waste. This breaks down to microplastics, entering the natural cycle and food chain, and is often transported by rivers to the sea. Research on microplastics transport requires understanding of spreading and dispersion of such particles due to currents, simulated using mathematical models. One of the methods applied is the particle tracking method. By using relevant data on velocity fields in various meteorological conditions, we can simulate particle motion in advance. We applied the model NAFTA3d, upgraded for neutrally buoyant and negative bouyant particles. We observed motion and concentration of discrete particles due to circulation. In simulations without meteorological extremes, pollution moves due to the circulation throughout the Gulf of Trieste and can reach Croatia's Istria and the Slovenian sea. In detail, we observed motion of the floating particles inflow with the Soča River into the Gulf of Trieste in extreme wind conditions. Positively buoyant particles were mainly transported towards the south along the Italian coast. Graphic depiction of simulation results enabled us to illustrate motion of discrete particles. Further research on circulation in semi-closed and closed seas is important for understanding possible contamination pathways, as well as in terms of safety and rapid response in case of hazardous discharges and accidents.

Keywords:NAFTA3d model, particle tracking method, microplastics, Northern Adriatic

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