
Terapevtska komunikacija medicinske sestre pri obravnavi bolnika z ledvičnim obolenjem v specialistični ambulanti : pregled literature
ID Kolenc, Polona (Author), ID Thaler, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 3B8F03B368C7EB88971836D25093207F
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b0fa040b-2fcd-4c6f-895a-9652555c10b5

Uvod: Število bolnikov s kroničnim obolenjem ledvic se povečuje tako pri nas, kakor tudi v svetovnem merilu. Glavni vzroki so staranje populacije, kar je povezano tudi z večjim številom obolelih s sladkorno boleznijo, z večjo pojavnostjo hipertenzije in z naraščanjem telesne teže v populaciji ter tako prisotnost debelosti. Terapevtska komunikacija je proces, v katerem bolnik in medicinska sestra v partnerstvu in interakciji iščeta boljše rešitve za obvladovanje bolnikovega kroničnega ledvičnega obolenja. Bolnik pozna svoje stanje, je sposoben upoštevati priporočila in navodila ter se trudi, da bi ostalo stanje dobro ali da se ne bi slabšalo. V primeru poslabšanja stanja mora biti bolnik sposoben prepoznati le-to in ukrepati tako, da pravočasno poišče pomoč. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je s pomočjo domače in tuje literature predstaviti terapevtsko komunikacijo v okoljih obravnave bolnikov s kronično ledvično boleznijo na terciarnem nivoju, v specialistični ambulanti za ledvična obolenja. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela. Diplomsko delo je oblikovano po analizi domače in tuje literatura. Uporabljena je bila strokovna in znanstvena literatura. Rezultati: S terapevtsko komunikacijo medicinska sestra sprejema in upošteva bolnikovo edinstvenost in se nanjo odziva. Pogovor med bolnikom in medicinsko sestro mora biti dialog in ne monolog. Da bi dosegli, da bo pogovor učinkovit, je potrebno zagotoviti zanj čas, odstraniti moteče dejavnike, govoriti razločno in v bolniku razumljivem jeziku, bolnika poslušati ter upoštevti njegove želje. Razprava in sklep: Terapevtska komunikacija v ambulanti je zelo pomembna. Preko komunikacije medicinska sestra bolniku posreduje informacije, ki jih potrebuje. Če ima bolnik o medicinski sestri dobro mnenje, si pridobi njeno zaupanje.

Keywords:komunikacija, zdravstvena nega, ovire v komuniciranju, nadomestno zdravljenje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95561 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5325931 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Therapeutic communication nurses with patient with renal impairment in specialist clinic : literature review
Introduction: The number of patients with chronic kidney disease is increasing not only in our country, but globally. The main causes are aging of the population, which is also associated with a greater number of patients with diabetes, with a higher incidence of hypertension and an increase in the weight in the population, and thus the presence of obesity. Therapeutic communication is a process in which a patient and a nurse in partnership and interaction seek better solutions to manage the patient's chronic kidney disease. The patient knows his conditions, he is able to follow recommendations and instructions, and tries to keep the situation well or not to get worse. In the event of a worsening of the condition, the patient must be able to identify only this and take action properly in order to seek help in due time. Purpose: is to present therapeutic communication in the treatment of patients with chronic renal disease at the tertiary level in a specialized outpatient clinic with the help of domestic and foreign literature. Methods: In the diploma the descriptive method of work is used. The diploma work is designed after the analysis of domestic and foreign literature. Professional and scientific literature was used. Results: By therapeutic communication, the nurse receives and observes the patient's uniqueness and responds to it. The discussion between the patient and the nurse must be a dialogue rather than a monologue. If we want the conversation to be effective, we provide time for it, remove disturbing factors, speak distinctly and in a patient understandable language, listen to the patient and take into account his wishes. Discussion and conclusion: Therapeutic communication in the outpatient clinic is very important. Through communication, he provides the patient with the information he needs. If a patient has a good opinion of a nurse, she gets her trust.

Keywords:Communication, nursing, communication barriers, replacement therapy

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