
Optimizacija geometrije mikrofonske antene za določanje smeri dominantnega vira hrupa
ID Železnik, Anže (Author), ID Prezelj, Jurij (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/ebd8b4d7-4fb3-4d25-9621-ad7dbce80818

Za zaznavanje smeri izvora zvoka v industriji je bilo treba določiti optimalno razporeditev 24 mikrofonov v usmerjevalniku žarka za zaznavanje frekvenc od 100 Hz do 8000 Hz in zasnovati model prototipa usmerjevalnika žarka, ki je primeren za zunanjo uporabo, torej je odporen na dež in ga je mogoče transportirati z osebnim avtomobilom. Optimalno geometrijo se določi s primerjavo rezultatov numeričnih simulacij odziva usmerjevalnika žarka različnih geometrij pri različnih frekvenčnih območjih, različnih kotih izvora zvoka in različnih amplitudah šuma na mikrofonih na osnovi razmerja največje vrednosti moči signala in povprečne vrednosti moči signala v vseh ostalih smereh in vizualno na grafih. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je najboljša geometrija postavitve mikrofonov tista z osmimi palicami in dvema mikrofonoma na prečkah na koncu palic, na podlagi ugotovljenega je bil zasnovan model prototipa.

Keywords:usmerjanje žarka zvok mikrofon digitalno filtriranje signala ojačitveni pasovi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95487 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
ŽELEZNIK, Anže, 2017, Optimizacija geometrije mikrofonske antene za določanje smeri dominantnega vira hrupa [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Optimization of Microphone Array Used for Localization of Dominant Noise Source
In order to detect the direction of the sound source in industrial applications, it was necessary to determine the optimal arrangement of 24 microphones in a beamformer for the detection of frequencies from 100 Hz to 8000 Hz and to design a prototype beamformer that is suitable for outdoor use and is therefore resistant to rain and can be transported with a car. Optimal geometry is determined by comparing the results of numerical simulations of the beamformer’s response with different geometries in different frequency ranges, different angles of the sound source and different amplitudes of noise on the microphones based on the ratio between the maximum value of the signal strength and the average value of the signal strength in all other directions and based on visually examining the graphs. It was found that the best geometry of the microphone configuration is that of eight bars and two microphones at the ends of the bars, a model of the prototype was designed based on the results.

Keywords:beamforming sound microphone digital signal filtering sidelobes

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