
Modeliranje sekundarne stopnje sušenja liofilizacijskega procesa
ID Lipar, Jakob (Author), ID Golobič, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 37047BA7AD24F71C69945A5B4C77C162
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/8cf14f52-cbbb-46cc-9c32-b54972b3e203

V zaključnem delu smo obravnavali proces liofilizacije. Narava procesa nam omogoča odstranjevanje vode iz produktov, ne da je snov izpostavljena visokim temperaturam, ki lahko uničijo lastnosti produkta. To je en temeljnih procesov pri procesiranju farmacevtskih produktov in prehrane, ki ima velik vpliv na njihovo stabilnost in obstojnost hranjenja. Znotraj procesa smo se osredotočili na del procesa, ki se imenuje sekundarna stopnja sušenja. Sekundarno stopnjo sušenja okarakterizira odstranjevanje vode iz suhe snovi z desorpcijo. Predstavljene so teoretične osnove procesa, ki pomagajo razumeti delovanje procesa. Izdelali smo model sekundarne stopnje sušenja liofilizacijskega procesa, ki omogoča analizo vpliva ključnih parametrov na dinamiko procesa. Primerjava izračunanih z iz literature dobljenimi eksperimentalnimi vrednosti kaže obetavne rezultate.

Keywords:liofilizacija sekundarno sušenje prenos toplote in snovi matematični model desorpcija vode koeficient masnega prenosa
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95486 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Title:Modeling the Secondary Drying Stage of Lyophilisation process
In this work we discussed the process of lyophilisation. The nature of process allows the removal of water from products, without them being exposed to higher temperatures that could potentially destroy their properties. It is one of the fundamental processes in the processing of pharmaceutical products and foods, and has an enormous impact on storage time and stability of said products. Within the process we focused on part of the process that is called secondary drying stage. Secondary drying stage is characterized by removal of water bound on the dried product with desorption. Theoretical principles of the process are presented to help us understand the process. A model of secondary drying stage of lyophilisation process is created, which enables the analysis of the influence of key parameters on dynamics of the process. The comparison of calculated values with the experimental values from literature has shown promising results.

Keywords:lyophilisation secondary drying heat and mass transfer mathematical model water desorption coefficient of mass transfer

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