
Odškodninska odgovornost Evropske unije za ukrepe bail-in: analiza primerov Kotnik in Ledra Advertising
ID Ušeničnik, Urška (Author), ID Vlahek, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/7b75bb0e-d0a6-4b96-b48b-b27bd3bf1f57

Magistrska diplomska naloga »Odškodninska odgovornost Evropske unije za ukrepe bail-in: analiza primerov Kotnik in Ledra Advertising« uvodoma predstavi razvoj instituta odškodninske odgovornosti institucij Evropske unije za kršitve prava Evropske unije skozi sodno prakso Sodišča Evropske unije. V nadaljevanju se posveti razlagi ukrepa za reševanje bank bail-in. Na tem mestu razloži, kako je prišlo do njegovega razvoja na evropski ravni ter kakšne so njegove dejanske posledice za delničarje in upnike bank. V tem sklopu je tudi podrobneje predstavljena problematika konflikta ukrepa bail-in s temeljno pravico do lastnine. Preostanek naloge je posvečen analizi izvedbe ukrepa bail-in na primeru reševanja bank v Sloveniji in na Cipru. V ta namen je najprej predstavljena pravna podlaga, ki je vodila do izvedbe tega ukrepa v vsaki od držav ter razlike med primeroma. Osrednji del naloge predstavlja peto poglavje, v katerem sta razčlenjeni sodbi Sodišča EU Kotnik in Ledra Advertising, izdani v zadevnih konkretnih primerih. Zaključni del naloge je namenjen odgovarjanju na osrednje vprašanje naloge, tj. »kakšne so možnosti posameznikov, prizadetih z ukrepom bail-in, da uspejo z odškodninsko tožbo proti Evropski uniji?« Pri tem se osredotoči na možnosti prizadetih posameznikov v primeru Kotnik v luči sodbe Ledra Advertising.

Keywords:odškodninska odgovornost institucij Evropske unije, bail-in, bail-out, delitev bremen, pravica do lastnine, odškodninska tožba, načelo sorazmernosti, načelo »no creditor worse off«, Kotnik, Ledra Advertising
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95417 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15786065 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Title:The liability of the European Union for bail-in measures: analysis of cases Kotnik and Ledra Advertising
Master thesis “The liability of the European Union for bail-in measures: analysis of cases Kotnik and Ledra Advertising” firstly presents the development of the non-contractual liability of European Union institutions for breaches of European Union law through the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. It further aims to explain the bail-in measure. To this end, it presents how the bail-in measure developed on the European level and what are its actual consequences for shareholders and creditors of failing banks. This section additionally deals with the question of the conflict between the bail-in measure and the fundamental right to property. The rest of the thesis focuses on the analysis of the implementation of the bail-in measure in Slovenian and Cypriot cases of bank resolution. For this purpose, it firstly presents the legal basis for the implementation of the bail-in measure in each of the two countries. The central part of the thesis is its fifth chapter, which consists of the breakdown of judgements of the Court of Justice of the European Union Kotnik and Ledra Advertising that were issued in the cases concerned. The concluding chapter tries to answer the main research question of the thesis “what are the prospects of individuals, which suffered losses by means of implementation of the bail-in measure, to succeed with an action for damages against European Union?” In this regard, it concentrates on the prospects of individuals affected in Kotnik case in the light of the judgement in Ledra Advertising.

Keywords:liability of European Union institutions, bail-in, bail-out, burden sharing, right to property, action for damages, principle of proportionality, “no creditor worse off” principle, Kotnik, Ledra Advertising

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