
Analiza uporabniške izkušnje spletne trgovine Trgovinca
ID Kralj, Maja (Author), ID Starešinič, Marica (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 305F6C055C74C2070AD7E69203A6FB97
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/3918a15e-8efb-40fc-a743-37d9af203d4b
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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a02feb1e-d51e-4d66-be14-47a673b13fb7

Diplomsko delo obravnava uporabniško izkušnjo v povezavi z elektronskim trgovanjem. V uvodnem delu se nanaša predvsem na prednosti in slabosti elektronskega trgovanja ter spletno nakupovanje v EU in Sloveniji. V nadaljevanju je obravnavana definicija uporabniške izkušnje ter metode njenega preverjanja, podrobneje pa je opisana tudi metoda sledenja pogledu. Cilj diplomske naloge je preveriti uporabniško izkušnjo spletne trgovine Trgovinca in poiskati načine, kako jo izboljšati. Trgovinca je novonastala spletna trgovina, ki nudi darila in dekoracije za okrasitev doma. V diplomskem delu so na začetku zastavljene tri hipoteze: Slovenke med 20. in 30. letom pogosto nakupujejo preko spleta; ženske, ki pogosteje nakupujejo preko spleta, se bolje znajdejo v spletni trgovini in posledično hitreje opravijo naloge; spletna trgovina Trgovinca omogoča dobro uporabniško izkušnjo. S pomočjo naprave za sledenje pogledu in vprašalnika o uporabniški izkušnji smo opravili testiranje, v katerem je sodelovalo 20 žensk od 20. do 30. leta starosti, saj so ciljne obiskovalke Trgovince. Rezultate smo v eksperimentalnem delu prikazali s pomočjo heat map oz. toplotnih zemljevidov gledanja, preglednic ter grafov. Rezultati analize obeh metod so pokazali, da je uporabniška izkušnja Trgovince dobra, v sodelovanju z ekipo Trgovince pa bo spletna trgovina tudi ustrezno spremenjena glede na nove ugotovitve.

Keywords:e-trgovanje, spletna trgovina, uporabniška izkušnja, sledenje pogledu, vprašalnik o uporabniški izkušnji
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95402 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:User experience analysis of Trgovinca e-commerce
Diploma thesis is focused on the user experience of e-commerce websites. Introduction consists of electronic commerce and its advantages as well as the disadvantages. It describes the situation of online shopping in European market and in Slovenia. The thesis continues with a description and definition of user experience and its value in the design process of a product and explains the methods of testing the user experience. The emphasis is also on the eye tracking method which is later on used in the experimental part of my thesis. The goal of this diploma thesis is to test the user experience of Trgovinca and to propose possible changes. Trgovinca is a new online shop which offers nice gifts and home decor. The thesis was based on 3 hypothesis: Slovene women beetween the age of 20 and 30 often shop online; Women who shop online more often will find it easier to do the proposed tasks; The user experience of Trgovinca is good. The experimental part was tested with an eye tracker and the user experience questionnaire. There was 20 women beetween the 20 and 30 years old involved in the research, because they are also the goal visitors of the webshop. The results are explained with the help of heat maps, tables and charts. The analysis of both methods have shown that the user experience of Trgovinca is good, however there will be slight changes made of the problems that we have discovered along the process.

Keywords:e-commerce, online shop, user experience, eye tracking, User experience questionnaire

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