
Analiza pripenjanja animacijskih kontrol na 3D model pri tehnikah morfa in inverzne kinematike
ID Dimnik, Sara (Author), ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo z naslovom Analiza pripenjanja animacijskih kontrol na 3D model pri tehnikah morfa in inverzne kinematike povzema razvoj 3D animacije od nastanka ideje do končnega rezultata - animacije. Podrobneje je pod drobnogled vzeto poglavje o pripenjanju animacijskih kontrol. To je proces priprave 3D modela na animacijo. Gre za zelo širok pojem in zavzema veliko kompleksnih procesov - od postavitve okostja, orientacije sklepov, pripenjanja kože, določanja vplivov posameznih kosti na kožo do pripenjanja animacijskih kontrol, morfa in vzpostavljanja sistema inverzne kinematike. Gre za zelo pomemben del v delokrogu animiranja lika, saj bi bilo animiranje 3D objektov brez animacijskih kontrol zelo dolgotrajen in kompleksen postopek. Nepravilno postavljene kontrole vodijo do zamud v produkciji in nerealističnih rezultatov pri animaciji. Dobra postavitev kontrol je tako pogoj za dobro animacijo. V eksperimentalnem delu naloge sta bila razvita dva lika, človeški in živalski, skozi katera podrobneje spoznavamo proces pripenjanja animacijskih kontrol ter razlike med njima v delokrogu razvijanja 3D animacije. Natančneje so predstavljene vse faze dela, od modeliranja do končne animacije, vključno s težavami, ki so pri tem nastale. Rezultat magistrskega dela sta dva 3D lika, ki sta v celoti pripravljena na animacijo. Poleg tega je rezultat dela tudi animacija zanke cikla hoje, ki je bila ustvarjena za vsakega izmed likov. V raziskavi je bilo ugotovljeno, da so različne faze v delokrogu animacije različno zahtevne pri posameznem liku. Faze modeliranja, pripenjanja kože in barvanja uteži so bile izrazito kompleksnejše pri liku človeka. Faze vzpostavljanja sistema inverzne kinematike, morfa in animacije nog, pa so bile izrazito bolj zahtevne pri kreiranju pasjega lika.

Keywords:animacijske kontrole, pripenjanje animacijskih kontrol, 3D lik, 3D animacija, cikel hoje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95383 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Title:Rigging analysis using morph and inverse kinematics on a 3D model
Master's thesis titled Rigging analysis using morph and inverse kinematics on a 3D model, summarizes the production pipeline of a 3D animation, from the birth of an idea to the end result - animation. A detailed overview of the rigging process is the focal part of the thesis. Rigging is a process of preparing a 3D model for animation. It is a very broad term, that includes the creation of the skeletal hierarchy, joint orientation, skinning, painting weights, creation of animation controls, blend shapes and inverse kinematics. It is a vital part of the production pipeline, as without it, charachter animation would be even more complex and time consuming. Incorrect rigging leads to delays in production and unrealistic results when it comes to animation. Therefore, a correct rigging process is a requirement for good animation. In the experimental part of the thesis, two 3D characters were developed, a human and an animal character. Through them we look at the process of rigging in great detail and discover the differences between rigging a human and an animal character. The thesis offers a thorough analysis of the whole process, from modeling the characters to animation, including the complications that occured on the way. As a result of the master's thesis, we completed two 3D characters, that are fully ready to be animated. The second result is a walk cycle, that was created for each of the characters. During the overall process we discovered, that various stages of the production pipeline were of different difficulty for each of the characters. The processes of modeling, skinning and painting weights were more complex when creating the human character, while the process of inverse kinematics, blend shapes and leg animation were more complex when creating the dog character.

Keywords:animation controls, rigging, 3D character, 3D animation, walk cycle

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