The purpose of this master thesis was to research and develop possible solutions for implementation of digital sales processes for MESI, development of medical devices, Ltd. We used service design methodology to support the process. To be precise, we used the Double Diamond process, developed by UK’s Design Council. First we did a market research of existing solutions and afterwards a design research with relevant stakeholders. In the de nition phase, we realized that it is still too early for webstore development, so we rede ned our initial problem and focused on designing processes that can help the company develop content for the store (apps and extensions for their existing MESI mRECORDS platform). We designed and followed three di erent design processes prototypes, focusing especilally in making them repeatable and trying to ensure they include all relevant stakeholders during the process (healthcare professionals and relevant company employees) and produce better results in a shorter time span.
Results have shown that the used methods support the process of application develoment, healthcare practitioners support this way of working, and that including di erent pro les throughout the process yields a wider array of relevant solutions.