
Oblikovanje kolekcije z izhodiščem v športu
ID Sadar, Cilka (Author), ID Peršuh, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6689FCE75171A694BDABD5414BB8EFD0
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/43e00de7-17aa-4fe0-a5ef-ef97272f2773
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MD5: B4ADA8CD38C6D5B216E577852659CFB3
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/84ecc2c2-544d-4a8d-b7f8-198f9611a4ec

Diplomsko delo Oblikovanje kolekcije z izhodiščem v športni modi predstavlja proces oblikovanja »ready-to wear« kolekcije ženskih oblačil. Šport in športna moda predstavljata enega izmed največjih vplivov na sodobno »ready-to-wear« modo. Modni oblikovalci ustvarjajo v športni modi navdihnjene kolekcije, vračajoč se videz športne mode 90ih let je danes popularen modni trend mladih, že pozabljena imena športnih znamk sodelujejo s »high-end« modnimi znamkami. To so le nekatere posledice in dejavniki porasta popularnosti in pomembnosti športne mode danes. V teoretičnem delu sem se v prvem segmentu poglobila v zgodovino in razvoj športne mode ter športne mode na olimpijskih igrah, v drugem pa osredotočila na ulično modo, današnje trende in vplive športne mode na »ready-to-wear« modo. V eksperimentalnem delu sem zasnovala »ready-to-wear« kolekcijo z inspiracijo v športu ter slovenskih motivih in barvah. Raziskala sem slovenske simbole in na podlagi le-teh oblikovala logotip kolekcije. V silhuetah specializiranih športnih oblačil sem poiskala zanimive detajle, ki sem jih aplicirala na oblačila. Za Oblikovanje kolekcije z izhodiščem v športni modi sem se odločila, saj sem se sama profesionalno ukvarjala s športom in brisanje mej med športno modo in visoko modo se mi je vedno zdelo zanimivo. Kolekcija dokazuje, da se lahko slovenske tradicionalne simbole in identiteto uporabi tudi na zelo sodoben in aktualen način, v skladu s trenutnimi trendi. Oblačila so urbana, nosljiva in prepoznavna. Nakazujejo smer oblikovanja, kjer bi tudi slovenski športniki na svetovnih tekmovanjih lahko nastopali v bolj ambiciozno oblikovanih oblačilih.

Keywords:olimpijske igre, športna moda, »ready-to-wear«, slovenski simboli, kolekcija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95377 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Title:Collection design based in sports
Bachelor thesis Collection design based in sports represents the process of designing a ready-to-wear womenswear collection. Sports and sports fashion are one of the biggest influences on contemporary »ready-to-wear« fashion. Fashion designers are creating collections inspired by sports, 90-s look is coming back and is popular among youth, the forgotten names of sports brands are collaborating with »high-end« fashion brands and setting trends…These are the consequences and factors of how popular and important sports fashion is today. In the theoretical part of my thesis I looked into the history and development of sports fashion and sports fashion at the Olympic Games. In the second part of my thesis, I focused on streetwear fashion, current trends and influence of sports fashion on ready-to wear fashion. In the experimental part of thesis I planned a ready-to-wear collection inspired by sports and Slovenian motives and colours. I designed a logotype with research in Slovenian symbols. In silhouettes of specialised sports garments I found interesting details and applied them to garments in the collection. The main reason for Collection design based in sports is my own professional career in sports and interest in blurring the lines between sports fashion and high fashion. This collection proves that Slovenian traditional symbols and identity can be used in a very contemporary way and in accordance to fashion trends. Garments are urban, wearable and recognizable. They show a way of design that Slovenian athletes could use at international events in more ambitious outfits.

Keywords:Olympics, sports fashion, ready-to-wear, Slovenian symbols, collection

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