
Ilustracija kot osnova za oblikovanje in prezentacijo moške kolekcije
ID Tomić, Sonja (Author), ID Fajt, Elena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/aaff36ce-1794-48c4-866f-7071ae72d511

Diplomsko delo z naslovom Ilustracija kot osnova za oblikovanje in prezentacijo moške kolekcije temelji na oblikovanju moške kolekcije z izhodiščem v lastnih ilustracijah in ustvarjanju vizualne predstavitve. V teoretičnem delu bom spregovorila o ilustraciji in kolažiranju ter predstavila umetnike, ki me navdihujejo pri mojem delu. Poglobila se bom tudi v ročne tehnike, vezenje, kvačkanje, sitotisk in kolažiranje materialov, ki sem jih uporabljala v kolekciji. Obenem so naštete tehnike sredstvo za izražanje mojih risb, ki so osnova tako za omenjeno kolekcijo kot tudi za predstavitve le-te skozi različne medije, s poudarkom na fotografiji in videu, kar zagovarjam v nadaljevanju diplomskega dela. V tem delu bom govorila še o videu ter njegovem pomenu za modnega oblikovalca v svetu medijev. V eksperimentalnem delu diplomske naloge bom oblikovala unikatno moško kolekcijo. Poleg tega se bom ukvarjala s fotografijo in videom ter njunim pomenom v modnem svetu. Razmišljala bom o formi videa in kako izdelke postaviti v zgodbo. Skozi lik v videu pa se bom poskušala približati ciljnemu moškemu kolekcije. Na ta način bo kot končni produkt ustvarjena kolekcija iz šestih modelov, podprta z vizualnim materialom kot pomembnim sredstvom za trženje kolekcije.

Keywords:ilustracija, vizualna predstavitev, vezenje, kvačkanje, sitotisk, video
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95372 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Illustration as a basis for designing and presenting a male collection
This thesis, entitled Illustration as the Basis for Designing and Presenting a Male Collection, deals with the design of a menswear collection based on my own authorial illustrations and the creation of an accompanying visual presentation. The theoretical part discusses illustration and collage and presents the artists who have inspired my work. I also talk about the manual techniques used in designing the collection, namely embroidering, knitting, screen printing, and material collaging. Additionally, the listed techniques also represent a means of expressing my drawings which serve as the basis for both designing the collection and presenting it by means of various media, predominantly photography and video, which I also discuss in the continuation of the thesis. In this part, I also touch upon the topic of video and its significance for a fashion designer in the world of different media. The empirical part of the thesis focuses on the design of a unique menswear collection. Moreover, it a deals with photography and video and their significance in the fashion industry. In this part I contemplate the form of video and the manner of setting products in the framework of a story. Through the character in the video I try to get closer to the target audience of the menswear collection. In this way the end-product will comprise a collection of six outfits accompanied by visual materials that represent an essential means of marketing any collection.

Keywords:illustration, visual presentation, embroidering, knitting, screen printing, video

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