
Odnos med človekom in arhitekturo v fotografskem diptihu
ID Smrekar, Amadeja (Author), ID Slavec, Darko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 94AEE5F8B2ECED86762E6326B489BE89
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/59edec76-619d-4cb5-ad74-a489dcbf120b

Diplomsko delo v začetnem delu povzema zgodovino in razvoj dveh fotografskih smeri po svetu in Sloveniji. Povzame razvoj fotografije človeškega telesa s poudarkom na fotografskem aktu ter razvoj arhitekturne fotografije z vplivom le-te na razvoj fotografije (splošno). Omeni tudi predstavnike fotografov iz različnih obdobij, katerih dela so pripomogla k razumevanju tematik. V zadnjem delu teoretičnega dela diploma objasni pojma diptih in fotografskih diptih. Pojasni tudi osnove likovne teorije, ki pripomorejo k lažjem razumevanju likovne analize fotografij. V praktičnem delu pojasni metode dela pri nastanku fotografije. Razloži delo v fotografskem studiu in v eksterierju ter opiše uporabljeno fotografsko opremo ter svetlobna telesa. Opiše tudi potek dela v postprodukciji, kar vključuje pretvorbo v črno-belo tehniko, nastavitev svetlosti, barvnega tona in kontrasta, določanje ostrine, pridobivanje izgubljenih informacij, izrez, korekcijo leče ter združevanje fotografij v diptih. Tema diplomskega dela je odnos človeka in arhitekture združen v fotografski diptih. Njen cilj je raziskati predvsem podobnosti in nasprotja med tematikama ter poizvedba, kako ustvariti kakovosten diptih. Pri tem pa se eksperimentirati z oblikami, toni, kontrasti, izrezi ... ter na ta način doseči ne zgolj vizualni, temveč tudi umski učinek na gledalca. Kot rezultat nastane štirinajst fotografskih diptihov, ki so v zaključnem delu diplome tudi likovno analizirani.

Keywords:črno-bela fotografija, diptih, akt, arhitektura, umetniška fotografija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95371 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The relationship between human and architecture in a photographic diptych
The thesis in its opening part explains some history and the development of two photographic directions in the world and in Slovenia. It summarizes the development of the human body photography, with an emphasis on the photographic act and also the development of architectural photography and its impact on the development of photography in general. It mentions some representatives-photographers from different eras whose work has contributed to the understanding of the topics. The last part of the theoretical part of the thesis explains the terms dyptich and photographic diptych. It also explains the basics of art theory, which contributes to the understanding of the visual analysis of photographs. In the practical part the thesis explains used methods of work during the creation of the photographs. It offerst the explanation of the work in the photographic studio and exterior, as well as a description of the photographic equipment and lighting fixtures. It describes the workflow in postproduction, which involves the conversion to black and white technique, adjusting brightness, hue and contrast, sharpness determination, retrievement of the lost information, cut, lens correction and combination of the photos into a diptych. The topic of the thesis is the relationship between man and architecture combined in a photographic diptych. My goal is primarily to investigate in particular the similarities and contradictions between the topics and search, to explore how to create a diptych of quality. This means playing around with shapes, tones, contrasts, cuts ... and in this way to achieve not only a visual, but also a mental effect on the viewer.

Keywords:black and white photography, dyptich, nude, architecture, fine art photography

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