
Razvoj grafične komunikacije za reševanje problema pretirane uporabe mobilnih naprav
ID Žagar, Eva (Author), ID Fras, Domen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil razviti, najti in oblikovati najbolj primerno rešitev v obliki grafične komunikacije, ki bi na ljudi vplivala tako, da bi se bolj zavedali škodlji-vosti prekomerne uporabe mobilnih telefonov. V magistrskem delu so bile pregledane številne dosedanje raziskave o problemu pretirane uporabe mobilnih telefonov, ki je vedno bolj prisoten v današnjem času. Z našo rešitvijo pa smo želeli doseči, da bi ljudje, predvsem mladi, lahko z zmanjšanjem količine časa, ki ga namenijo mobilnim napravam, bolj uspešno razvijali socialne spretnosti, kvaliteto njihovih medosebnih odnosov, povečali svoje komunikacijske veščine in pridobili še vrsto drugih pozitivnih učinkov. Najprej je bil uporabljen vprašalnik, s katerim smo predvsem želeli dobiti informacije o tem, katera vrsta grafične komunikacije bi bila najbolj primerna in kako bi jo posre-dovali, da bi bila kar najbolj uspešna za reševanje problema pretirane uporabe mo-bilnih naprav. Informacije, dobljene iz odgovorov, so pokazale, da udeleženci najraje in najpogoste-je pridobivajo informacije iz interneta in preko svojih prijateljev ter da pogrešajo več ozaveščenosti o negativnih vidikih prekomerne uporabe. To je bilo upoštevano tudi pri snovanju naše rešitve. Kot rešitev je bila izdelana kampanja, katere prvi del ni prisoten na spletu (je offline) drugi del pa je prisoten na spletu (je online). Od obstoječih kampanj se razlikuje v tem, da uporabnik akcijo sproži sam s svojim pametnim telefonom. To je bilo dose-ženo tako, da smo izdelali privlačne plakate s QR kodo, ki jo ljudje iz radovednosti, da bi izvedeli, za kaj sploh gre, skenirajo. Akcija, ki sledi iz tega, pa osebo pripelje na pristajalno stran na internetu in jo preseneti z izvirnim, provokativnim in poučnim spo-ročilom glede nevarnosti prekomerne uporabe telefona. Razlika je v tem, da sporoči-la niso avtomatično servirana uporabniku, kakor v televizijski reklami ali preko letaka, ampak uporabnik sam sproži proces. Predvidevamo, da bo zaradi tega ta akcija pov-zročila močnejši in trajnejši vtis na uporabnike mobilnih telefonov.

Keywords:mobilni telefon, zasvojenost, grafična komunikacija, nomofobija, posledice odvisnosti od telefona
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95367 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Developing an effective graphic communications solutions to counter mobile device overuse
The goal of this master's thesis is to find and develop the most suitable solution in the form of graphic communication, which is supposed to influence people in a way that they will be more aware of the over-use of mobile phones. In this thesis, we ex-amined all the already existing research on this growingly present issue. We wanted to achieve that people, especially members of the younger population, would more successfully develop their social skills, the quality of human relations and expand their communicational skills alongside other positive effects through reduced use of mobile phones. Firstly, we have decided to use a questionnaire to collect information on which type of graphic communication would be most suitable for solving the problem of mobile phone over-use and how to mediate it. With the help of the answers, we found out that participants prefer and most often acquire information from the internet or their friends and that they miss more awareness about the negative aspects of over-use of mobile phones and, therefore, we also tried to take that into account. As a solution to the problem, we created a campaign which takes place partly offline and partly online. It differs from the existing campaigns in a way that each user trig-gers the action individually, with their smartphone. We achieved that by making at-tractive posters with a QR code, which can be scanned by anyone who wants to know what it is about. This action then takes the person who scanned the QR code to a website that surprises the user with an original, provocative and educational message about the dangers of mobile phone overuse. The difference between a TV commercial or a traditional flyer and our website is that the messages on our website are not automatically served to the user. Instead of that, users themselves trigger the process. We assume that this way the action will cause more powerful and long-lasting impressions on a mobile phone user.

Keywords:mobile phone, addiction, graphic communication, nomophobia, consequences of mo-bile phone addiction

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