
Čitljivost 3D tiskane tipografije pri manjših velikostih
ID Culjkar, Petra (Author), ID Možina, Klementina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Comentor)

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/62bc5c05-8dab-497e-b38f-73930e797acd

Področji tiska in tipografije sta že od samih začetkov močno povezani. Tehnologija je napredovala in konvencionalni tisk je pridobil novo razsežnost. 3D-tiskalniki ter materiali za 3D-tisk so cenovno vedno bolj dostopni vsakomur. Namen magistrske naloge je raziskati uporabnost in čitljivost 3D tiskane tipografije pri manjših velikostih na nizkocenovnem 3D-tiskalniku, primernem za domačo uporabo, saj je 3D tiskana tipografija lahko uporabna za vizitke, pisarniške napise, personalizirane ovitke za telefone, obeske in podobno. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene dosedanje raziskave na področju 3D tiskane tipografije. Opisani so tiskalniki, programi, materiali ter tehnologije, ki se uporabljajo za nizkocenovni 3D-tisk. Omenjene so napake, ki se velikokrat pojavijo med tiskom in razlogi za njihov nastanek. Naštete in opisane so možnosti postavitve tipografije v prostor. Opredeljen je pojem čitljivosti in tipografski elementi, ki nanjo lahko vplivajo. Predstavljeni so deli črk in v eksperimentalnem delu uporabljene pisave. Na koncu je opisana še metoda slikovne analize ter predstavljen pojem tipografske tonske vrednosti in eden od programov, s katerim jo določamo. V eksperimentalnem delu je pojasnjen izbor pisave, velikosti pisave, različice pisave ter besedila za tisk in analizo. Podrobno je predstavljeno modeliranje tipografije s podlago v obeh uporabljenih programih, Fusion 360 in Blender, ter priprava na 3D-tisk in končni tisk. Podan je začetni vizualni opis natisnjenih pangramov ter opisan postopek zajema slikovnih podatkov in analize črke a v vseh natisnjenih različicah. Predstavljen je postopek testiranja čitljivosti in vsi pridobljeni rezultati. Na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov je predlagana uporaba pisav linearnega črkovnega sloga, verdana in arial, pri velikosti 24 tipografskih enot in tiskom z materialom PLA. Za modeliranje tipografije in pripravo na 3D-tisk ni podanih specifičnih priporočil, saj so povprečna odstopanja med pridobljenimi rezultati v odvisnosti od uporabe programa za modeliranje tipografije, Fusion 360 ali Blender, majhna.

Keywords:3D-tisk, tipografija, 3D tiskana tipografija, tipografska tonska vrednost, slikovna analiza
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95353 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Title:Legibility of 3D printed typography at small sizes
The fields of printing and typography have always been strongly correlated. Technology has made progress and conventional printing has taken on a new dimension. 3D printers and the required materials are getting more and more affordable for general public. The aim of the present thesis is to explore the usability and legibility of 3D printed typeface characters at smaller sizes using a low-cost 3D printer, as 3D printed typeface may be used for printing business cards, office signs, personalized phone cases, key rings, etc. In the theoretical part, previous studies in the field of 3D printed typeface are represented. In addition, printers, programs, materials, and technologies used for 3D printed typeface are described. Some common mistakes that often occur during printing, including main reasons for them are explained. In addition, options for spatial arrangement of typeface are listed. The concept of legibility and typeface elements on which it may depend are also defined. Moreover, parts of letters and fonts which were used in the research are featured. Finally, the image analysis method is described as well as the concept of tonal value of typeface and the programs used for its determination. The experimental part of the paper explains the choice of the font, its size and versions, and the texts selected for printing and analysing. In addition, modelling of the typeface on the basis of both used programs – Fusion 360 and Blender – as well as the preparation process for 3D printing and the actual printing procedure are specified and explained. The initial visual description of the printed pangrams is introduced and the described procedure encompasses graphic data and analysis of an individual letter in every printed version. The method for legibility testing and the acquired results are explained. In light of the results obtained, use of linear style fonts, such as Verdana and Arial, at size of 24 points, and PLA material are suggested for printing. No specific recommendations for typeface modelling and preparation for 3D printing are offered, as average deviations between research results depending on the use of either Fusion 360 or Blender program for the modelling of the typeface are not significant.

Keywords:3D printing, typeface, 3D printed typeface, typographic tonal density, image analysis

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