Rail freight services of Slovenian Railways are important for all users of their services. The users of rail freight transport services are major organizations that require the transport of large quantities of goods, raw materials, hazardous materials and natural products. As the requirements and needs of the rail freight service users are increasing, as well as their information on certain services, compared to previous periods, Slovenian Railways must focus both on better satisfying their users needs and meeting their expectations.
In order to measure user satisfaction regarding the railway services, we selected a sample of 142 users, of which 77 were domestic and 65 foreign. 44 users responded to the survey, of which 21 were domestic and 23 foreign. By using a questionnaire, we received feedback on their satisfaction with rail freight transport services. The questionnaire included the following criteria: the relative importance of transport service elements, overall satisfaction, fulfilment of expectations, changes in satisfaction, changes in the volume share due to past experience, critical events, satisfaction with problem solutions, satisfaction elements and events with an impact on satisfaction.
The analysis of user satisfaction regarding rail freight services of Slovenian Railways showed that both domestic and foreign users were mostly satisfied with their services, but there were differences in satisfaction within individual criteria.
Domestic users were found to be the most satisfied with transport safety and accuracy of the calculation, and the least satisfied with the time and transport reliability, while foreign users were the least satisfied with the availability and the provision of transport information and problem-solving related to transport disruptions.
The aim of the graduation thesis is to draw attention to the importance of measuring the user satisfaction regarding rail freight services of Slovenian Railways. It is under the responsibility of the managers and leaders of the Slovenian Railways, whose goal is not only to measure user satisfaction but also to meet the needs and wishes of the rail freight service users. In our research, we encountered a restriction on the part of Slovenian Railways, regarding the disclosing of the names of the companies using rail freight services.