
Funkcionalni testi po zvinu gležnja : diplomska naloga
ID Kop, Klemen (Author), ID Hadžić, Vedran (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 9654A35325B9DB5D37B277F3CE45291E
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/e0ed8dbe-645b-427b-933a-2b8557db263d

Zvin gležnja je ena izmed najpogostejših športnih poškodb. O rehabilitaciji po omenjeni poškodbi je napisanega že veliko, vedno znova pa se sprašujemo, v kateri točki se rehabilitacija lahko zaključi in se športnika lahko brez zadržkov pošlje v običajen trenažni proces. Ta odločitev je ključnega pomena, saj obstaja velika verjetnost, da se športnik pri prehitri vrnitvi v igro lahko ponovno poškoduje; ponovna poškodba pa je običajno še hujša od prvotne. Za pomoč pri omrnjrni odločitvi je znanih več testov, ki ocenjujejo funkcionalnost skočnega sklepa. Pri izbiri testov sem uporabil tiste, ki so se v literaturi najpogosteje uporabljali. Obstaja več načinov kako določimo stanje športnika. Subjektivna ocena temelji na vprašanjih, na katera športnik sam odgovarja. Drugi način je testiranje s funkcionalnimi testi, kjer je rezultat objektivno merljiv. Glavni namen diplomske naloge je pomoč trenerjem pri odločitvi in spremljanje napredka pri rehabilitaciji. V diplomski nalogi je opisanih več različnih testov. Najboljšo oceno stanja športnika dobimo na podlagi kombinacije vseh opisanih testov. Testi so preprosti in izvedljivi v običajnih prostorih.

Keywords:zvin gležnja, vrnitev v igro, vrnitev v šport, funkcionalni testi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95310 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5202097 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Functional tests for ankle sprain
Ankle sprain is one of the most common sport injuries. There are many articles about rehabilitation of ankle injuries, but it is still questioned at which point the rehabilitation can be concluded and the sportist is able to continue with the normal trening proces. This is a crucial decision because returning the sportist into the training process to soon will increase the possibility of recurring injury. The recurring injury is offen much worse than the previous one. To help with the decision there are few tests available that can define the funcionality of the ankle. Tests have been choosen according to the number of apperances in articles. The condition of the sportist can be defined in more ways. The self appresial is based on a number of questions that the sportist answers by himself. The second option includes functional tests where the result can be objectively measured. The main purpose of this study is to help the coach with the decision and to follow the inprovement of the sportist. The study contains more different tests. The best apprasial of the sportist’s condition is achived by combining all described tests. They are easy and can be performed without special equipment.

Keywords:ankle sprain, return to play, return to sport, funkcional tests

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