
Krepilne vaje za mišice stopala in nožne prste : diplomsko delo
ID Veleušič, Jan (Author), ID Dolenec, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 1E3A3B5D645CBEEB958068DF4C208A95
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/ed3907c9-537e-42d1-9c95-8b3e31eb4bd7

Cilj naloge je bil zbrati, pregledati in povezati obstoječo literaturo na temo krepilnih vaj za mišice stopala in nožne prste. Stopalo podpira težo telesa, vzdržuje ravnotežje v stoji in med gibanjem, ter absorbira udarce in prenaša silo, ki jo proizvedejo mišice na podlago. Zaradi tega je pomembno, da stopalo krepimo in izvajamo krepilne vaje za tako globalne, kot lokalne mišice stopala. Zbrali smo preko 20 vaj in njihovih različic, za krepitev lokalnih in globalnih stabilizacijskih mišic stopala ter nožnih prstov. Pozornost smo posvečali predvsem novejšim, inovativnim in morda manj znanim vajam, ki so se izkazale za veliko bolj učinkovite od vsem znanih vaj, kot so »pobiranje frnikul« in »vlečenje brisače«. Ugotovili smo, da je krepilne vaje za mišice stopala in nožne prste težko kategorizirati, saj se vsak posameznik na vajo, odvisno od živčno-mišične kontrole, drugačno odzove. Tudi pri pregledu literature smo ugotovili, da se rezultati meritev aktivacije določenih mišic pri istih vajah močno razlikujejo. Tako med posamezniki, kot raziskavami, ni moč videti korelacije. Priporočila za vadbo v literaturi in najdenih raziskavah se razlikujejo od priporočil za športno vadbo in načeli vadbe za moč. Vse krepilne vaje imajo v osnovi tako namen mišične hipertrofije, izboljšanje moči in predvsem aktivacije, zavedanja in živčno-mišične kontrole lokalnih in globalnih stabilizacijskih mišic stopala. Svetujemo da se vaje izbirajo od lažje k težji s primerno vmesno progresivnostjo.

Keywords:lokalni stabilizatorji, globalni stabilizatorji, mišice stopala, stopalno jedro, krepilne vaje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95292 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5201329 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Strengthening exercises for the foot and toe muscles
The goal of the study was to gather and review information and combine existing literature in one article. We gathered, analysed and described detailed overview of strengthening exercises for the foot and toe muscles. Foot supports the weight of the body, maintains balance while standing and moving. It absorbs impacts and transfer forces from muscles to the ground. That is why it is important that we strengthen our foot and do exercises for global and local foot muscles. We gathered more than 20 exercises and its variations for strengthening global and local stabilising (intrinsic and extrinsic) foot and toe muscles. We focused on the new, innovative and maybe less known exercises, which were proven to be more affective than well-known exercises such as »marble pick-up« and »towl curls«. We found out that it is hard to categorize strengthening exercises for the foot and toe muscles, as every individual reacts differently on the specific exercise. Even when reviewing some studies we found out that results of the muscle activity measurements in the same exercise differs among individuals and studies. There is no visible correlation. Exercise recommendations in all the studies differ from recommendation for sport exercise and known principles of strength training. Therefore basic purpose of all the strengthening exercises is to improve strength, activation, hypertrophy, consciousness and neuromuscular control of the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles. We advise that exercises are picked from basic to advanced with proper progression in between.

Keywords:local stabilisers, global stabilisers, foot muscles, foot core, strengthening exercises

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