
Analiza gibalne učinkovitosti selekcioniranih mladih rokometašev : diplomsko delo
ID Regner, Katarina (Author), ID Šibila, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 2932826402F126F5E3D8F1AA03F6EC1E
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/207aef3f-4f8d-4613-94ab-824574821e02

Rokomet je ena najbolj razširjenih in priljubljenih športnih iger tako v Sloveniji kot v svetu. Uvrščamo jo v skupino polistrukturnih kompleksnih športov, saj igro sestavlja veliko število motoričnih strukturnih enot, ki jih izvajamo z žogo ali brez nje. Znotraj igre se pojavlja veliko teka z različnimi hitrostmi in načini gibanj. Igra je zapletena, vsebuje mnoga ciklična in aciklična gibanja, zato morajo biti igralci dobro motorično podkovani, sama igra pa vpliva na celosten razvoj motoričnih sposobnosti in morfoloških značilnosti rokometašev (Šibila, 2004). ''Sposobnosti so naravne danosti človeka, ki so odvisne od delovanja različnih upravljavskih sistemov v telesu in se kažejo v zmožnosti izkoristka teh potencialov pri doseganju zastavljenih gibalnih ciljev'' (Pistotnik, 2015). Pri diplomskem delu nas je zanimala gibalna učinkovitost rokometašev. Preverili smo jo s testno baterijo FMS™ (Functional Movement Screen), ki obsega 7 gibalnih testov. Testna baterija je nastala iz ideje fizioterapevta in kondicijskega trenerja Graya Cooka, ki je želel celosten vpogled v gibalne vzorce ljudi. S tem sistemom dobimo odgovore o kvaliteti osnovnih gibalnih vzorcev, odkrivamo asimetrije in disfunkcije ter gibalne omejitve. V naši raziskavi je sodelovalo 75 mladih rokometašev iz različnih klubov po Sloveniji, starih od 14 do 19 let. Rezultati so pokazali, da prihaja do razlik v gibalni učinkovitosti med posameznimi igralnimi mesti. Tako smo ugotovili, da najboljše rezultate v testu FMS™ dosegajo vratarji, najslabše pa krožni napadalci. Pri vseh spremenljivkah je šlo za normalno porazdelitev, kar smo ugotovili s Shapiro-Wilkovim testom. Najboljšo povprečno oceno so rokometaši dosegli v testu dvig v skleco, najslabšo pa v testu globok počep s palico v vzročenju.

Keywords:rokomet, gibalna učinkovitost, Functional Movement Screen, korektivne vaje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95283 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5202609 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Handball is one of the most popular sports in both Slovenia and the world. We classify it in a group of polistructural complex sports, as the game consists of a large number of motor structural units which are performed with or without a ball. Within the game there is a lot of running with different speeds and movements. Game is a complex one, it contains many cyclic and acyclic movements so the player’s motor abilities must be at a high level and game itself influences the overall development of such skills and morphological characteristics of handball players. Competences are genetically predetermined characteristics that depend on functioning of different homeostatic mechanisms in the body which result in the ability to use these potentials to reach the set motor goals. The purpose of our diploma thesis was to analyze movement efficiency of young male handball players. For assessing the physical performance we used Functional movement screen (FMS™), which consists of seven motor tests that players needed to perform. This battery of tests was made as a result of the idea of a physiotherapist and conditioning coach Gray Cook, who wanted to have an overall insight in human movement patterns. With all these tests we get answers about the quality of fundamental movement patterns, discover the assymetrics, disfunctions and movement disabilities. In our research 75 young male handball players from different Slovenian clubs have participated. Their age was between 14 and 19. Results have shown that there were significant differences in movement efficiency between players who play at different positions. We also found out that goalkeepers had the best results and the line players had the worst. With Shapiro-Wilk's test we have proved that all of the variables have normal distribution. The best average result was in the push up test and the worst in the deep squat test.

Keywords:handball, movement efficiency, Functional Movement Screen, corrective exercises.

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