
Vpliv menstrualnega cikla na vadbeno učinkovitost : diplomsko delo
ID Pušnik, Nina (Author), ID Hadžić, Vedran (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 5C89BE31FF7727CCBBF566B1C3FCB304
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/ad7f6ded-1795-4911-8b1d-425416842978

Menstrualni cikel je sestavni del življenja vsake ženske. Naš namen je bil ugotoviti, kakšen vpliv imajo različne koncentracije spolnih hormonov skozi menstrualni cikel (MC) na vadbeno učinkovitost in kako se spremeni presnova hranil pod vplivom različnih hormonov. Vadbeno učinkovitost smo razdelili na kratkotrajno visoko intenzivno vadbo, submaksimalno vzdržljivost, moč in gibljivost. Naše ugotovitve so naslednje: MC ima vpliv na pripravljenost športnic, vendar ne v tolikšni meri, da bi ogrožal njihov nastop. Izjema so ekstremni športi, kot je npr. ultramaraton, kjer bi lahko imel del cikla pomembno vlogo. Večina virov poroča, da na vzdržljivost menstrualni cikel nima vpliva, niti na kratkotrajno visoko intenzivno vadbo niti na submaksimalno vzdržljivost, nekateri sicer predlagajo, da bi bila lahko vzdržljivost v srednji lutealni fazi povečana. Pri treningu moči avtorji predlagajo, da je trening, zgoščen v folikularni fazi, bistveno učinkovitejši od treninga skozi celoten MC. Na gibljivost ima MC velik vpliv, saj se v času, ko je povišana koncentracija estrogena v telesu, to je v času ovulacije, poveča elastičnost tetiv in kit, zaradi česar je v tem času tudi večja verjetnost poškodb, predvsem sprednje križne vezi. Na presnovo imajo hormoni prav tako precejšen vpliv. Zaključili smo, da bi se zaradi vpliva hormonov na presnovne procese v lutealni fazi lahko povečala vzdržljivost. Prav tako estrogen promovira lipolizo, zaradi česar vpliva na aerobno vadbo. Nasprotno pa se razgradnja proteinov poveča v lutealni fazi, zaradi česar je trening moči bolje izvajati v folikularni fazi.

Keywords:Menstruacija, vzdržljivost, moč, gibljivost, presnova, spolni hormoni.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95270 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5188785 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of menstrual cycle on exercise performance
The menstrual cycle is a part of every woman's life. Our aim was to evaluate the effect of different ovarian hormones and the menstrual cycle (MC) on exercise performance. We were also interested in how the metabolism of nutrients changes in correlation with different hormones. Exercise performance was divided into high-intensity short-duration exercise, submaximal long-lasting endurance, strength training, and flexibility. Based on the available scientific data, we can conclude that MC has an effect on exercise performance in athletes, but not to an extent that would threaten their performance in competition. The exceptions to this finding are extreme sports such as ultramarathon, where a phase of the menstrual cycle could have a more significant impact. We could not support the hypothesis that MC has a significant impact on endurance, although the findings of studies vary in relation to this issue. When it comes to strength training, it is believed to be more effective in the first half of the menstrual cycle – the follicular phase – due to a positive impact of estrogen on the muscle mass. Flexibility is strongly affected by sex hormones, especially estrogen. It pikes when ovulation occurs, promotes tissue elasticity, and increases the risk of injuries, with injuries of the anterior cruciate ligament being the most common. Metabolism is also affected by sex hormones. We conclude that the metabolism changes caused by hormones in the luteal phase could improve endurance. It is also known that estrogen promotes lipolysis, affecting aerobic exercise. By contrast, protein catabolism is increased in the luteal phase, which is why strength training is better performed the follicular phase.

Keywords:Menstruation, endurance, strength training, flexibility, metabolism, sexual hormones.

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