
Analiza načinov preverjanja praktičnih in teoretičnih znanj ter udeležbe na kadrovskih izpitih ZUTS Slovenije v obdobju 2006 do 2016 : diplomsko delo
ID Mohar, Maja (Author), ID Lešnik, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Majerič, Matej (Comentor)

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MD5: 799CCAF25CAB89DB0044B240DDC06F96
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/300aab75-5aa3-4746-8c71-5861dba114c4

Namen diplomskega dela je bil analizirati različne načine preverjanja teoretičnega in praktičnega znanja kandidatov, ki so se odločili pridobiti naziv Učitelj alpskega smučanja I., II. ali III. stopnje. V diplomskem delu smo ugotavljali dinamiko spreminjanja števila prijavljenih kandidatov glede na število kadrovskih tečajev po posameznih sezonah v obdobju od leta 2006 do leta 2016. Prav tako so nas zanimali uspešnost, oziroma število opravljanj izpitov ter udeležba in uspešnost na izpitih glede na spol. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela smo si v uvodu pomagali predvsem s pravilniki, ki so osnova organiziranja in izvedbe tečajev usposabljanja pred začetkom vsake smučarske sezone. Raziskovalni del diplomskega dela temelji na podatkih, pridobljenih s spletno aplikacijo Športno amaterskih kadrov (Špak). Ugotovili smo, da so tako v načinu preverjanja kot v udeležbi na tečajih usposabljanja skozi obdobje desetih let nastajale vsebinske in organizacijske spremembe. Do smučarske sezone 2010/2011 so namreč kandidati teoretični in praktični izpit opravljali kot sestavni del kadrovskega tečaja. Po uvedbi tako imenovanih regijsko centraliziranih izpitov, so teoretični kot tudi praktični izpiti potekali v vnaprej določenih terminih. S smučarsko sezono 2014/2015 so se za pridobitev naziva Učitelj alpskega smučanja I. stopnje uvedla tudi centralna teoretična predavanja. To je pomenilo bolj poenoteno posredovanje teoretičnih znanj. Ugotovili smo, da je število tečajev iz sezone v sezono različno, zato ne moremo določiti vzorca padanja oziroma naraščanja števila tečajev po posameznih sezonah. Na področju alpskega smučanja je bilo v desetih smučarskih sezonah na I. stopnji 912 ženskih kandidatk, medtem ko je bilo moških kandidatov 1468. Na II. stopnji je bilo 354 kandidatk in 716 kandidatov. Na III. stopnji je bilo v devetih smučarskih sezonah 59 kandidatk ter 183 kandidatov. V prvih sezonah so bili kandidati znatno uspešnejši kot kasneje, saj so izpit načeloma opravili v manj poskusih, prav tako pa je bilo število uspešnih kandidatov večje. Za najmanj uspešno sezono na I. in III. stopnji velja sezona 2011/2012, na II. stopnji pa 2013/2014. Po dobljenih podatkih spol na uspešnost na izpitih na I. stopnji ne vpliva, na II. in III. stopnji pa so bili v zadnjih smučarskih sezonah nekoliko uspešnejši moški.

Keywords:učitelj alpskega smučanja, kadrovski tečaj, teoretični izpit, praktični izpit, analiza uspešnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95258 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5195185 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of methods of knowledge examination of practical and theoretical knowledge, and participation in the personnel exams of the SIAS Slovenia in the period from 2006 to 2016
The purpose of the graduation thesis was to analyse different methods of knowledge examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates, who decided to obtain a title Alpine ski instructor at the level I, II, or III. In the graduation thesis, we determined dynamics in changing of the number of applied candidates in regard to number of personnel courses in individual seasons in the period from 2006 to 2016. We were also interested in successfulness or number of examinations, as well as participation and successfulness in the exams in regard to gender. In the introduction of the theoretical part of the graduation thesis, we primarily used lists of rules that are a basis of organization and implementation of courses prior beginning of each ski season. The research part of the graduation thesis is based on the data obtained using Špak (Sport Amateur Personnel) web application. We established that the methods of examination as well as training courses underwent content and organizational changes through the period of ten years. Up to the ski season 2010/2011, the candidates took theoretical and practical examination as a part of the personnel course. After introduction of the regionally centralized examinations, both, theoretical and practical examinations took place at predetermined times. In the season 2014/2015, central theoretical lectures were introduced for obtaining the title Teacher at the level I, which means a more unified communication of theoretical knowledge to all candidates. We established that a number of courses varies from season to season, therefore, we cannot determine a sample of increasing or decreasing the number of courses per individual season. In the field of alpine skiing, in ten ski seasons, 912 female candidates applied for level I, while 1468 male candidates applied for the same level. At the level II, there were 354 female and 716 male candidates. At the level III, there were 59 female and 183 male candidates. In the first seasons, the candidates were considerably more successful than later, as they passed the exam in less tries, and also a number of successful candidates was higher. The least successful season at the level I and III was the season 2011/2012, and the season 2013/2014 was the least successful at the level II. According to the obtained data, gender does not influence a successfulness at the level I, while at the level II and III males were slightly more successful in the last seasons.

Keywords:ski instructor, personnel course, theoretical exam, practical exam, performance analysis

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