
Otroško ljudsko glasbeno izročilo v drugem starostnem obdobju v vrtcu
ID Oblak, Meta (Author), ID Sicherl-Kafol, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala zastopanost otroškega ljudskega glasbenega izročila v vrtcu. V teoretičnem delu sem obravnavala ljudsko glasbeno izročilo in posebno pozornost namenila otroškim ljudskim pesmim, plesom, izštevankam, igram in glasbilom. Poleg tega sem raziskala, koliko se ljudsko izročilo pojavlja v Kurikulumu za vrtce, strokovni literaturi in didaktičnih gradivih za predšolsko vzgojo. Empirični del vključuje kvalitativno in kvantitativno raziskavo. V kvantitativnem delu raziskave sem analizirala rezultate intervjuja z vzgojiteljicami o vključevanju otroškega izročila v vrtec, ki sem jih pridobila z anketnim vprašalnikom. V kvalitativnem delu raziskave sem z analizo dnevniških zapisov, fotografij, posnetkov in izjav otrok ugotavljala interes otrok za izvajanje dejavnosti ljudskega izročila. V okviru projekta sem izvedla več dejavnosti, skozi katere so otroci spoznavali otroške ljudske pesmi, igre, plese, izštevanke in glasbila. Ugotovila sem, da imajo otroci velik interes za spoznavanje ljudskega izročila, da ga sprejemajo z veseljem in si ga hitro prisvojijo. Ravno tako imajo interes za vključevanje otroškega ljudskega glasbenega izročila v vrtec tudi vzgojiteljice, vendar se pri tem srečujejo z več težavami. Med njimi so najizrazitejše, da imajo premalo predznanja, da je v Kurikulumu za vrtce premalo poudarka na tem področju, da je premalo seminarjev na to temo in da je na voljo premalo gradiva z otroškim ljudskim glasbenim izročilom. Zaradi navedenih težav vzgojiteljice otroško ljudsko glasbeno izročilo redkeje vključujejo v svoje načrtovane dejavnosti ali pa je to nekakovostno. Rezultate obeh raziskav sem interpretirala na podlagi pripadajočih referenc in strokovne literature.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95036 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11690825 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Children’s folk music in second age in kindergarten
In the thesis I researched the representation of children’s folk music in kindergarten. In the theoretical part I discussed the traditional folk music and put emphasis on children’s folk music, dances, counting rhymes, games and musical instruments. Besides that I also researched how often folk music appears in the curriculum for kindergartens, the technical literature and the didactic materials for preschool education. The empirical part contains quantitative and qualitative research. In the quantitative part of the research I analysed the results of the interview with preschool teachers about including children’s folk tradition in kindergarten, which I gained with a survey questionnaire. In the qualitative part of the research, I was finding out how interested children are in activities that have to do with folk tradition through analysing diary notes, photographs, audio notes and children’s statements. In the framework of the research I carried out more activities, through which children learned about children’s folk music, dances, counting rhymes, games and musical instruments. I found out that children have an interest in learning folk tradition, that they receive it with joy and they quickly assimilate it. Preschool teachers also have an interest in including children’s folk music in the kindergarten, but they have several problems with it. Among those are the most distinct ones, that they have too little prior knowledge, that in the curriculum for kindergartens is not enough emphasis on this area, that there are not enough seminars on this subject and that there is too little material with children’s folk music available. As a consequence, the folk music tradition is rarely included in the kindergarten’s planned activities, or it is only inferior quality. In the end, I interpreted the results of both researches based on the relevant references and technical literature.


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