
Krmiljenje DC motorja z mikrokrmilnikom ESP32
ID Pleterski, Jan (Author), ID Vrabič, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Butala, Peter (Comentor)

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MD5: 26342DE73BA06B6852486FD1EF9C36C6
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/6a0430f7-4c7e-4452-85f5-baf25e909124

Sodobni mikrokrmilniki z integriranimi brezžičnimi komunikacijskimi moduli omogočajo razvoj novih aplikacij interneta stvari (ang. Internet of Things), kjer do komunikacije pride brez neposrednega človeškega posredovanja. Cilj zaključne naloge je preizkusiti mikrokrmilnik ESP32 Thing, še posebej njegove nove zmožnosti brezžične povezave. Mikrokrmilnik je preizkušan s PID krmiljenjem DC motorja s programiranjem v programskih okoljih Arduino in ESP-IDF. Zaključno delo je osredotočeno predvsem na mobilno robotiko, saj je omenjeni mikrokrmilnik zaradi svoje zmogljivosti, povezljivosti in multipleksiranja za ta način krmiljenja zelo primeren. Najprej so predstavljene osnove in implementacije PID krmiljenja ter opis mikrokrmilnika. V osrednjem delu se osredotočimo na izboljšanje programske kode PID krmiljenja DC motorja in preizkušamo nove zmogljivosti mikrokrmilnika. Ugotovili smo, da je v programskem okolju Arduino podprta komunikacija le preko brezžične internetne povezave, ostale komunikacijske zmožnosti pa so podprte v okolju ESP-IDF.

Keywords:mikrokrmilnik, ESP32, PID krmiljenje, programiranje, DC motor
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94912 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2017
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Title:DC motor control using ESP32 microcontroller
Modern microcontrollers with integrated wireless communication modules allow the development of new applications for the Internet of Things and communication without direct human intervention. The purpose of the thesis is to test the microcontroller ESP32 Thing, especially it's new capabilities of wireless communication. The microcontroller is tested with PID control of a DC motor and programmed in programming environments Arduino and ESP-IDF. The focus is on mobile robotics, because the mentioned microcontroller is very suitable for this kind of programming thanks to its performance, connectivity and multiplexing capabilities. First, the basics and implementations of PID control together with the description of the microcontroller are presented. In the core of the subject we focus on improving the PID control of a DC motor and testing the new capabilities of the microcontroller. We found out, that Arduino only supports Wi-Fi, while other communication capabilities are supported in ESP-IDF.

Keywords:microcontroller, ESP32, PID control, programming, DC motor

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