
Vpetje aktivnega dela transformatorja v kotel z vidika potresnih obremenitev
ID Zupančič, Maja (Author), ID Boltežar, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 911F375C71405DA103AEBB33FB835CE3
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/785ea445-f8ae-46f1-8588-f09deb0f7bb8

Kupci energetskih transformatorjev, ki so namenjeni na potresno ogrožena območja, podajajo pri naročilu tudi zahtevo po potresni odpornosti transformatorja. Slednjo zagotavlja ustrezna izvedba več detajlov. Eden izmed njih je vpetje aktivnega dela na kotel in na pokrov. Potresni sunki lahko namreč povzročijo premik aktivnega dela znotraj ohišja, kar povzroči zmanjšanje izolacijskih razdalj in privede do električnega preboja. K problemu smo pristopili z analizo obstoječih potresnih opor in s študijem rešitev, ki jih uporablja konkurenca. Na podlagi zahtev in razpoložljive tehnologije v podjetju smo pripravili lastne rešitve. Za potrebe vrednotenja konstrukcij smo proučili standard Evrokod 8, ki ureja področje potresno-odporne gradnje stavb. Standard smo prilagodili za posebno področje transformatorjev in zapisali postopke za izračun projektnega potresnega vpliva. Zasnovane konstrukcijske rešitve smo nato vrednotili s statično in spektralno analizo. Ugotovili smo, da so zasnovane potresne opore ustrezno konstruirane in sposobne prenašati predvidene obremenitve.

Keywords:energetski transformator, potresna varnost, Evrokod 8, vpetje aktivnega dela, statična analiza, spektralna analiza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94857 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Transformer Active part fixation in the Housing considering earthquake Resistance
Orders for power transformers that are to be stationed in areas with higher seismic activity, contain a demand for adequate earthquake resistance of the product. This request is acceded, among others, with proper fixation of the transformer's active part in the housing. Seismic waves may cause shifts of the active part inside the housing, thus reducing insulation distances which lead to electric discharge. The problem was approached by analysing current earthquake supports and the ones used by competition. Taking available technology in the factory into consideration, own innovative solutions were developed. Eurocode 8 standard which regulates design of earthquake resistant structures was adapted to specific structures of transformers and used for calculation of design seismic action. New designs were then evaluated using static and response spectrum analysis. It was ascertained that the new design of earthquake supports is adequate and can withstand expected loads.

Keywords:Power transformer, Earthquake safety, Eurocode 8, Active part fixation, static analysis, response spectrum analysis

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