Our research focuses on the specific area of Trieste and its surroundings. Trieste marks a turbulent history and difficult relations between the Slovenian and Italian population. To have a better and easier understanding of the context, we first defined the concepts of abuse and aggressiveness. We reviewed various forms of abuse and their origin. We then went even further into the specifics and defined the history and the issues of the Slovenian minority in Trieste, as well as the use of the Slovenian language. We also took into account the use of the Italian language and the contact of the Slovenian minority with the Italian community. Afterwards, we focused on a very narrow field, namely the use of Italian as a form of abuse within Slovenian sports clubs in Italy (Trieste). We obtained the data by using an anonymous questionnaire, which we submitted to the respondents in written form. We interviewed 32 people aged between 18 and 42 years. The questionnaire was composed of three parts: the first one focused on the Slovenian language and sports clubs of the Slovenian minority, the second on the discrimination of Slovenian language in sports clubs and the third on the influence of the Italian language in Slovenian sports clubs. The questionnaire consisted of 23 open and closed-ended questions. We then processed the data with the program SPSS. Based on the hypotheses, we found that more than half of the respondents were victims of discrimination, which they labelled as a means of provocation. We also found that, compared with women, men more often respond to discrimination. In the end, we confirmed that the Italian language is not a form of abuse, wich is present in the Slovenian environment.