
Analiza odrivne moči mladih nogometašic : diplomsko delo
ID Uršič, Neja (Author), ID Štirn, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 71AAAD599B0232821DB83C637F38292F
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2e6b13c2-1f74-47af-af18-965929e992da

Ženski nogomet postaja v zadnjih letih vse bolj razvit in popularen tudi v najbolj nerazvitih državah sveta. Kljub njegovi vedno večji prepoznavnosti in razširjenosti, pa še zmeraj ni dovolj znanstveno podprt, da bi bile smernice za načrtovanje kondicijske priprave nogometašic jasno definirane. Z namenom olajšanja načrtovanja kondicijske priprave mladih nogometašic smo v diplomski nalogi, s pomočjo analize treh različnih načinov skokov, želeli dobiti vpogled v odrivno moč mladih nogometašic ter ugotoviti razlike v nekaterih parametrih odrivne moči med različnimi igralnimi mesti (branilka, vezistka, napadalka) v nogometu. Raziskava je bila izvedena na vzorcu 22 nogometašic, starih od 15 do 17 let. Vse igralke so članice ženske nogometne reprezentance do 17 let. Vzorec je sestavljalo 8 branilk, 6 vezistk ter 8 napadalk. Meritve sta opravljali tudi vratarki (n=2), ki pa smo ju, zaradi premajhne številčnosti za statistično analizo, izključili iz raziskave. Z uporabo tenziometrijske plošče smo izmerili parametre sledečih skokov: skok iz polčepa, skok z nasprotnim gibanjem, globinski skok iz višine 20 cm ter 40 cm. Analizirani so bili podatki vseh skokov. V rezultatih so predstavljeni parametri skoka iz polčepa (višina skoka, štartna moč, čas odriva), skoka z nasprotnim gibanjem (višina skoka, sila zaviranja, prenos sile v koncentrični del), globinskega skoka z višine 20 cm in 40 cm (višina skoka, kontaktni čas) ter razlike med višino skoka z nasprotnim gibanjem in skoka iz polčepa, ki nam prikažejo izkoristek elastične energije. Analiza variance je pokazala, da ne prihaja do statistično značilnih razlik v nobenem izmed analiziranih parametrov navpičnih skokov med različnimi igralni mesti pri našem vzorcu nogometašic.

Keywords:nogomet, ženske, odrivna moč, skoki, igralna mesta
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94815 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5170097 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:An analysis of take-off power of young female football players
In recent years, women's football is becoming more popular also in underdeveloped countries of the world. Despite its increasing visibility and prevalence, it is still not sufficiently scientifically supported in order to clearly define the guidelines for the design of fitness training for women football players. In this diploma, in order to facilitate the planning of the fitness preparation of young footballers, with help of three different types of jumps, we wanted to get an insight into the take-off power of the young footballers, and to find out the differences in some parameters of the take-off power, between the various playing positions (defender, midfielder, attacker) in football. The research was carried out on a sample of 22 footballers, aged between 15 and 17. All players are members of a women's up to 17 football national team. The sample consisted of 8 defenders, 6 midfielders and 8 attackers. Measurements were also performed by the goalkeepers (n = 2), which, due to insufficient abundance for statistical analysis, were excluded from the research. Using the tensiometric plate we measured the parameters of the following jumps: squat jump, countermovement jump, drop jump from height of 20 cm and height of 40 cm. The data of all jumps were analyzed. The results show the parameters of the squat jump (the height of the jump, the start interval power, push off time), countermovement jump (jump height, braking force, transfer of force to the concentric part), drop jump from height of 20 cm and height of 40 cm (jump height, contact time) and the differences between the height of the countermovement jump and the squat jump, that show us the efficiency of the elastic energy. The variance analysis showed, that there are no statistically significant differences in any of the analyzed vertical jumping parameters, between the various playing positions in football.

Keywords:football, women, take-off power, jumps, playing positions

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