
Učinkovitost 9-tedenskega individualiziranega vadbenega programa na izboljšanje zmogljivosti mišic in funkcijo kolena pri pacientki s poškodbo sprednje križne vezi in medialnega meniska : poročilo o primeru
ID Čadež, Tea (Author), ID Kacin, Alan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Grapar Žargi, Tina (Comentor)

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MD5: 8F3C3B5E47A02F97FCC43CE42C029BDA
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b2761a86-7e7a-45fc-9172-d13a2d6d462c

Za konzervativno zdravljenje poškodb sprednje križne vezi so primerni tisti pacienti, ki imajo zadosten potencial, da z mišicami kolenskega sklepa nadomestijo primanjkljaj pasivne stabilnosti sklepa. Namen: Ugotoviti, v kakšni meri lahko z usmerjenim programom kinezioterapije izboljšamo mišično zmogljivost in zmanjšamo nestabilnost kolena pri pacientki z dolgotrajno poškodbo sprednje križne vezi in medialnega meniska. Metode dela: Pacientka je bila udeležena v 9-tedenskem kinezioterapevtskem programu. Merilni protokol je obsegal subjektivno oceno stanja z vprašalnikom Lysholm in KOOS, antropometrične meritve mišične atrofije in gibljivosti sklepa, funkcijski test enonožni poskok in Y test ravnotežja, test maksimalne hotene izometrične kontrakcije (MVIC) ter izokinetično testiranje mišic kolena pri kotni hitrosti 60 in 180 °/s. Rezultati: Po obdobju vadbe se je obseg desnega stegna povečal za 1,1 cm proksimalno in 1,9 cm distalno, obseg meč pa za 1,3 cm. Podaljšal se je enonožni skok v daljino za 15,1 cm in povečala posteromedialna komponenta Y testa ravnotežja za 17,2 cm. Navor MVIC fleksorjev desne noge se je izboljšal za 20% pri obeh kotnih hitrostih, medtem ko so se izokinetični navori izboljšali za 18% pri 60°/s in 22% pri 180°/s. Navori mišic ekstenzorjev se niso pomembno izboljšali. Razprava in zaključek: Kljub temu da je bila dosežena hipertrofija desne stegenske mišice in izboljšana dinamična stabilnost kolena, pacientka po programu vadbe ni dosegla zadovoljive stabilnosti poškodovanega sklepa, prav tako primanjkljaji navorov v ekstenzorjih ostajajo klinično pomembni. Na podlagi rezultatov sklepamo, da preiskovanka le s konzervativno obravnavo ne more v zadostni meri nadomestiti primanjkljaja pasivne stabilnosti sklepa.

Keywords:poškodba sprednje križne vezi, konzervativno zdravljenje, kinezioterapija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94572 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5297259 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Effectiveness of nine-week individual exercise therapy programme on improvement of muscle performance and knee function in patient with anterior cruciate ligament and medial meniscus injury : case report
Introduction: For conservative treatment of anterior cruciate ligament injury are suitable patients that have competent potential to compensate for the passive joint stability deficit by knee muscles. Purpose: The purpose is to find out to what extent we can improve muscle performance and decrease the joint instability with target programme of kinesiotherapy in patient with long-term anterior cruciate ligament and medial meniscus injury. Methods: Patient was involved in nine-week kinesiotherapeutic treatment. Measurement protocol consisted of subjective state evaluation with Lysholm and KOOS questionnaire, anthropometric measurements of muscle atrophy and range of motion, functional one leg hop test and Y balance test, measurement of maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) and isokinetic knee muscle testing at 60 and 180°/s of angular velocity. Results: After finished training the right thigh circumference increased by 1,1 cm in proximal part, 1,9 cm in distal part and calf circumference by 1,3 cm. The one leg hop test lengthened by 15,1 cm and posteromedial component of Y balance test improved by 17,2 cm. Torque at maximum voluntary isometric contraction of right leg flexors improved by 20% at both angle velocities, while isokinetic improved by 18% at 60°/s and 22% at 180°/s. Torque of extensor muscles did not significantly improved. Discussion and conclusion: Even though the hypertrophy of right thigh muscle has been achieved and the dynamic knee stability has improved, the patient has not achieved adequate stability in injured knee after training programme. Also, the deficit in torque of extensor muscles stays clinically significant. Based on results conclude that the patient cannot sufficiently compensate passive joint stability deficit only with conservative (non-operative) treatment.

Keywords:anterior cruciate ligament injury, conservative treatment, kinesiotherapy

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