
Odziv svojcev športnika na njegovo ukvarjanje s padalstvom : diplomsko delo
ID Lovrec, Luka (Author), ID Kajtna, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: C3E0E24AC7DECB8119C342C923645D78
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0595fc19-3844-4841-b6ef-a4b978d42bd3

V uvodu smo predstavili teme, o katerih pišemo v diplomski nalogi. Najprej smo napisali nekaj besed o športu, njegovem pomenu in razvoju. Nato smo opisali ekstremni šport, natančneje padalstvo, ki je tema naše naloge. Opredelili smo zgodovino padalstva, njegov nastanek in razvoj. Nekaj besed smo namenili družbenemu vidiku športa, predvsem pa smo razmišljal o padalstvu in družbi ter športu v odraslosti, saj vemo, da je ta šport ponekod, zaradi nevarnosti, opredeljen kot tabu tema. Sledi tekst, ki govori o vplivu in odnosi med športnikom ter njegovo družino, saj vemo, da je ta temelj vsakega posameznika in ga tako rekoč oblikuje. Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti odzive svojcev na padalčevo/kino ukvarjanje s padalstvom, saj vemo, da je to ekstremen šport in včasih celo tabu šport. Zanimalo nas je predvsem, kako so se svojci odzvali, ko so izvedeli za ukvarjanje s tem športom in koliko pomeni padalcem njihovo mnenje. Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali so posamezniki, ki se ukvarjajo s padalstvom po večini samski ali v zvezi. Najbolj pa nas je zanimalo, ali so svojci padalcev tekom njihovega ukvarjanja s tem športom spremenili mnenje o padalstvu na boljše, ali so ugotovili, da padalstvo ni neka tabu tema, in da ni tako nevaren šport. Ker smo sami v starostni kategoriji 20-30 let, smo želeli izvedeti ali je to starostna skupina, ki se najpogosteje ukvarja s padalstvom. Zanimalo nas je tudi, komu so padalci najprej povedali za ukvarjanje s padalstvom, kdo je bil najbolj/najmanj navdušen in ali so tekom padalčevega ukvarjanja s tem športom svojci spremenili mnenje na boljše. Za ugotavljanje teh podatkov smo izdelali anketo v kateri smo skušali dobiti odgovore na vprašanja, ki smo si jih zgoraj zastavili. Obsegala je 18 vprašanj, na podlagi katerih smo potem sprejeli ali zavrnili hipoteze, ki smo si jih zastavili. Vse podatke smo pridobili na strani www.1ka.si. Od zastavljenih hipotez smo sprejeli le eno in sicer smo ugotovili, da so svojci padalcev skozi njihovo ukvarjanje s padalstvom spremenili mnenje in sicer na boljše.

Keywords:Padalstvo, družina, šport, ekstremni šport, družba, svojci, zgodovina padalstva, razvoj padalstva
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94450 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5167281 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Response of the sportsman's relatives to his parachuting
In the introduction of our thesis we talk about the themes we included, which are sport in general, the meaning of sport, and its evolution. We then continue with the description of extreme sport, and lastly we thoroughly describe the sport skydiving, which is the sport we are dedicating our thesis to. We also define the history of skydiving and the origin of the sport. Furthermore, since our lives unfold in groups, so-called society, we speak about the society’s view on sport, but mostly on the view society has on skydiving, since the sport is often considered as a taboo and highly dangerous. Lastly we speak about the sportsman and the impact family has on him or her and the sport he or she is performing, since family is the foundation of every individual and helps shape him as such. The purpose of our thesis was to determine the responses of the skydiver's relatives to his or hers dealing with skydiving, as we all know this is an extreme sport, sometimes even taboo sport. We were especially interested in how the relatives reacted when they found out that someone from their family is dealing with skydiving. Furthermore we were also interested in how big of an impact the opinion of relatives have on the skydiver. We were also wondering if individuals who practice skydiving are mostly single or in a relationship. But most of all we wondered if the relatives of the skydivers have changed their opinion about this sport for the better, and is not such a dangerous sport after all. Since we are in the age category twenty to thirty years, we wanted to find out whether this is the age group that is most often involved in skydiving. We were also interested in whom the skydivers first told/opened up to about them practicing skydivingl/dealing with skydiving, who was the most or the least enthusiastic about them dealing with this sport and whether their relatives have changed their opinion for the better after some time. To get the required information we created and conducted a survey. Based on the answers on our survey, which had nineteen questions, we then confirmed or denied our hypothesis. All facts were extracted and analyzed on the web page www.1ka.si. As an interesting fact we can confirm that we dismissed most of the hypotheses; we confirmed only one. That suprised us very much, since we realized that we do not know skydiving as good as we thought.

Keywords:Skydiving, family, sport, extreme sport, society, relatives, history of skydiving, evolution of skydiving

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